Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Von Herzen dank ich meinem Gott” (Burkard Waldis, d. 1556), based on Psalm CXI, Confitebor tibi Domine, with title “Psalm of thanksgiving for the manifold benefaction and grace of God, and the redemption through Christ.” The Mixolydian melody by Waldis follows the relatively compact meter I give it transposed down a quint and with a slight variation from Zahn’s form of the slurring in the penultimate line.
I THANK my God most heartily,
And with the saints adore Him,
Declare His works of majesty,
Where they are joined before Him.
Blest, he that can these seek aright
And in true faith them ponder,
He finds in them delight,
Nor will despise their wonder.
2 All that the Lord establishes
Is hon’rable and glorious;
His mercy, grace, and righteousness
Shall ever be victorious,
A great remembrance His death
By wondrous works He founded,
To strengthen us in faith;
God’s favor is unbounded!
3 He meat in season due provides,
To those who have His Spirit;
His cov’nant in mind abides,
And they shall bliss inherit.
His hath His wondrous works decreed
Among His chosen nation,
Which He from death has freed,
From Satan and transgression.
4 His works are righteousness and truth,
Right is all He commandeth;
Abiding changeless in its youth,
Against reproach it standeth.
He to His people shows His grace,
And His redemption sendeth,
His cov’nant keeps in place,
And in no quarter endeth.
5 His name as holy then revere,
In heav’n and earth all-glorious!
Whoever liveth in God’s fear,
In wisdom stands victorious;
Yea, that is wisdom certainly,
To keep God’s Word and glory—
For all eternity
That praise abideth o’er thee.
¶ Lord, grant this to us by Thy grace:
Preserve us in it ever,
Within Thy Law uphold our place,
Let us transgress it never.
Grant by Thy Spirit help and aid,
O’er evil victors make us;
We by Thy hands were made:
Let nothing overtake us!
Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.
Von hertzen danck ich meinem Gott,
Und preiß in bei den frommen,
Erzel sein grosse wunderthat,
Wo sie zusamen kommen,
Wol dem ders recht bedencken kan,
Im glauben wol betrachten,
Der hat seinn lust daran,
Und wirt sie nicht verachten.
2 Alls was der HERR geordnet hat,
Dem muß man lob zuschreiben,
Sein grechtigkeyt, sein güt und gnad
Wirt ewiglich wol bleiben.
Ein gdechtniß Er gestifftet hat,
Mit seinen wunderwercken,
Der gnedig, gütig Gott,
Den glauben uns zu stercken.
3 Er gibt die Speiß zu rechter stundt,
Alln die in forchten leben,
Gedenckt Ewig an seinen Bundt,
Das Erb wil Er in geben,
Leßt sein gewaltig wunderthat,
Bei seinem volck verkünden,
Daß Ers errettet hat,
Vom Teuffel, todt und Sünden.
4 Sein thun ist gricht, recht und warheyt,
All sein gebott rechtschaffen,
Bleiben bestehn in Ewigkeyt,
Niemandt hat sie zustraffen.
Seim volck thut Er sein gnade kundt,
Und sein erlösung senden,
Auff das besteh sein bundt,
Ewig an allen enden.
5 Sein Nam ist heylig, hoch und heer,
Im himel und auff erden,
Wer in Gotts forchten geht daher,
Der dencket weiß zu werden.
Das ist ein klugheyt sicherlich,
Wer Gottes wort kan halten,
Des lob bleibt Ewiglich,
Und wirt nimmer erkalten.
¶ Solchs gib uns HERR durch deine gnad,
Wölst uns stedts dran bewaren,
Daß wir bleiben an deim gebott,
Soclhs nimmer uberfaren,
Durch deines geystes hülff und sterck,
Alls ubel uberwindern,
Wir sind deinr hende werck,
Laß an uns nit erwinden.