Here is my alteration of Miss Winkworth’s translation of the Praise hymn, “Geht hin, ihr gläubigen Gedanken” (Johann Gottfried Hermann, 1742), for the purpose of correcting the meter. I also include my own translation of a stanza omitted by Winkworth. Some stanzas are so altered as to become almost completely new translations, others evince the lightest touch in alteration, especially when the sense was largely retained intact. This may be seen by comparing with Winkworth’s own version included below. The German text, included in Ev.-Luth. Gesangbuch #94, has for its theme the eternal love and election of God, and according to Fischer, appears first in the Vogtland (Plauen) hymnal of 1742, which also features a preface by Hermann. The appointed melody is “O daß ich tausend Zungen hätte.”
ON wings of faith, ye thoughts, forth flying,
Roam o'er Eternity's vast field,
The bounds of time and sense defying,
Soar up to Him, who hath revealed
That He is Love: there pause and view
That ancient love each morning new!
2 Not yet was laid the earth’s foundation,
Nor were the heavens spread abroad,
When for the good of His creation,
Love stirred within the heart of God;
Before I ever had been made,
His grace to me was long displayed.
3 ’Twas Love whose blessed counsel gave me
True life in Christ, His only Son,
A Mediator, sent to save me,
A Mercy-seat, whence grace flows down;
In whose dear blood I am made whole,
And blest and hallowed is my soul.
4 O wondrous Love, that even chose me
Before the world began to be;
That in His number did enclose me,
And for His kingdom destined me:
O gracious heart, O Father’s hand,
That made me in Life’s book to stand!
5 Ah, happy hours, whenever goeth
My soul to yon Eternal Source,
Whence the glad river downward floweth,
With goodness wat’ring all my course,
So that each passing day I prove
How faithful is my Father's love!
6 For what am I? At His commanding,
The million creatures of His pow’r
Which in the air and sea are standing,
Oh, why should God such blessings show’r
On me, a leaf that fadeth fast,
A piece of dust before the blast!
7 O Lord, I surely am not worthy
Of all Thy mercy shown to me,
With which Thou, Maker, for Thy glory,
Dost cheer me ever wondrously;
Yea, Father, I’m not even mine,
Thine am I, Lord, forever Thine!
8 For safety, peace, and rest unbroken,
I ’neath Thy shelt’ring wings incline:
The firm foundation has this token:
“Thou knowest, Lord, him who is Thine.
Let earth and heaven pass away,
This word of truth abides for aye.
9 When strength and heart grow faint and sadden,
From battling long with heavy pain,
Thy smile shines forth, my heart to gladden,
Thou crownest me with joy again;
Then I behold Thy Spirit’s pow’r,
Who works all in our weakest hour.
10 Forth from Thy rich and bounteous treasure,
Life's common blessings daily flow;
More than we ask, in greater measure
Than we deserve, dost Thou bestow.
My heart dissolves in thankfulness
To see how truly Thou dost bless.
11 The farthest reaches hope exploreth,
Through all the shades of earth and time;
Beyond the farthest star faith soareth
Th’ eternal kingdom’s heights to climb,
There I am shown by Thy kind hand
My heritage and promised land.
12 Oh, shall I not forever love Thee,
Whose love for me shall never cease?
Shall I, by scorn, to sadness move Thee,
Who givest me my joy and peace?
Ah, Friend of Man, should I leave Thee,
I were mine own worst enemy.
13 If honor due to Thee were given,
My song would sweet and noble be,
And all would know in earth and heaven,
What Thou, my God, hast done for me.
No hymn so sweet is as Thy name,
No joy so deep as is Thy fame.
14 Oh, patience, then! Some day my spirit
Redeemed by Thee, in choirs above
Shall gladly praise Thee and Thy merit
With fairer voice, O Fairest Love!
Therefore my heart would haste away
And longeth for th’ Eternal Day.
Translation st. 8 © 2022 Matthew Carver.
Alteration sts 1–7, 9–14 © 2022 Matthew Carver.
1 On wings of faith, ye thoughts, fly hence,
Roam o'er Eternity's vast field,
Surpass the bounds of time and sense,
And rise to Him, who hath revealed
That He is Love: there pause, and awestruck view
That ancient love with every morning new!
2 Ere earth's foundations yet were laid,
Or heaven's fair roof was spread abroad,
Ere man a living soul was made,
Love stirred within the heart of God;
Love filled the long futurity with good,
And grace to help at need beside her stood.
3 ’Twas Love whose counsel gave to me
True life in Christ Thy only son,
Whom Thou hast made our Way to Thee,
From whom all grace flows ever down;
Whose sacrifice can make us pure and whole,
And bless and hallow all our inmost soul.
4 ’Twas Love, that long ere time began,
That precious name of child bestowed;
That opened Heaven on earth to man,
And called us sinners sons of God;
Whose gracious promptings move the Father's hand,
That on the page of life our names may stand!
5 Ah happy hours, whene'er upsprings
My soul to yon Eternal Source,
Whence the glad river downward sings,
Watering with goodness all my course,
So that each passing day anew I prove
How tender and how true my Father's love!
6 For what am I? At His command
The million creatures of His power
Start into life on sea and land;
Oh why should God such blessings shower
On me, who am a leaf that fadeth fast,
A little shifting dust before the blast!
7 I am not worthy, Lord, that Thou
Shouldst such compassion on me show;
That He who made the world should bow
To cheer with love a wretch so low.
O Father, I would utterly resign
Myself to Thee; take me, and make me Thine.
9 When strength and heart grow faint and sad,
From battling long with heavy pain,
Thy smile shines forth to make me glad,
Thou crownest me with joy again;
Then I behold Thy Spirit's wondrous power,
Whose work is mightiest in our weakest hour.
10 Forth from Thy rich and bounteous store
Life's common blessings daily flow;
More than we dare to ask, far more
Than we deserve, dost Thou bestow.
My heart dissolves in tears of thankfulness,
To see how true Thy care, how quick to bless.
11 Nor here alone: hope pierces far
Through all the shades of earth and time;
Faith mounts beyond the farthest star,
Yon shining heights she loves to climb,
And gazing on eternity behold
The promised land, our heritage of old.
12 Can I with loveless heart receive
Tokens of love that never cease?
Can I be thankless still, and grieve
Him who is all my joy and peace?
Ah Friend of Man, were I to turn from Thee,
Myself were sure my own worst enemy.
13 Could I but honour Thee aright,
Noble and sweet my song should be,
That earth and heaven should learn Thy might,
And what my God hath done for me.
There is no music sweet as is Thy name,
No joy so deep as pondering o'er Thy fame.
14 O heart redeemed! thou think'st it long
Till the appointed hour be come,
When thou shalt join the angels' song
To that Fair Love that brought thee home.
Have patience, heart; time hurries fast away,
Soon shalt thou reach the one Eternal Day.
1 Geht hin, ihr gläubigen Gedanken,
ins weite Feld der Ewigkeit,
erhebt euch über alle Schranken
der alten und der neuen Zeit;
erwägt, dass Gott die Liebe sei,
die ewig alt und ewig neu.
2 Der Grund der Welt war nicht geleget,
der Himmel war noch nicht gemacht,
so hat Gott schon den Trieb geheget,
der mir das Beste zugedacht;
da ich noch nicht geschaffen war,
da reicht er mir schon Gnade dar.
3 Sein Ratschluß war, ich sollte leben
durch seinen eingebornen Sohn;
den wollt er mir zum Mittler geben,
den macht er mir zum Gnadenthron,
in dessen Blute sollt ich rein,
geheiliget und selig sein.
4 O Wunderliebe, die mich wählte
vor allem Anbeginn der Welt
und mich zu ihren Kindern zählte,
für welche sie das Reich bestellt!
O Vaterhand, o Gnadentrieb,
der mich ins Buch des Lebens schrieb!
5 Wie wohl ist mir, wenn mein Gemüte
hinauf zu dieser Quelle steigt,
von welcher sich ein Strom der Güte
zu mir durch alle Zeiten neigt,
dass jeder Tag sein Zeugnis gibt:
Gott hat mich je und je geliebt!
6 Wer bin ich unter Millionen
der Kreaturen seiner Macht,
die in der Höh und Tiefe wohnen,
dass er mich bis hierher gebracht?
Ich bin ja nur ein dürres Blatt,
ein Staub, der keine Stätte hat.
7 Ja, freilich bin ich zu geringe
der herzlichen Barmherzigkeit,
womit, o Schöpfer aller Dinge,
mich deine Liebe stets erfreut;
ich bin, o Vater, selbst nicht mein,
dein bin ich, Herr, und bleibe dein.
8 Im sichern Schatten deiner Flügel
find ich die ungestörte Ruh.
Der feste Grund hat dieses Siegel:
"Wer dein ist, Herr, den kennest du."
Laß Erd und Himmel untergehn,
dies Wort der Wahrheit bleibet stehn!
9 Wenn in dem Kampfe schwerer Leiden
der Seele Mut und Kraft gebricht,
so salbest du mein Haupt mit Freuden,
so tröstet mich dein Angesicht;
da spür ich deines Geistes Kraft,
die in der Schwachheit alles schafft.
10 Du lässest auch vom Gott der Erden
wir, was du willst nach deinem Sinn,
jedoch weit mehr in theil werden,
als ich im kleinsten würdig bi:
mein Herz zerfleußt, wenn es bedenkt,
wie treulich mich dein Auge lenkt.
11 Die Hoffnung schauet in die Ferne
durch alle Schatten dieser Zeit;
der Glaube schwingt sich durch die Sterne
und sieht ins Reich der Ewigkeit;
da zeigt mir deine milde Hand
mein Erbtheil und gelobtes Land.
12 O sollt ich dich nicht ewig lieben,
der du mich unaufhörlich liebst?
Sollt ich mit Undank dich betrüben
da du mir Fried und Freude giebst?
Verließ ich dich, o Menschenfreund!
so wär ich selbst mein ärgster Feind.
13 Ach könnt ich dich nur besser ehren,
welch edles Loblied stimmt ich an!
Es sollten Erd und Himmel hören,
was du, mein Gott, an mir getan.
Nichts ist so köstlich, nichts so schön,
als, höchster Vater, dich erhöhn.
14 Doch nur Geduld: es kommt die Stunde,
da mein durch dich erlöster Geist
im höhern Chor mit frohem Munde
dich, schönste Liebe, schöner preist.
Drum eilt mein Herz aus dieser Zeit
und sehnt sich nach der Ewigkeit.