OUR FATHER, Thou in heaven high,
Majestic Lord!
Attend Thy children as they cry
And worship Thee in spirit.
Thy name be hallowed far and wide
By all adored!
With glory, honor, pow’r, and pride
Let heav’n and earth revere it!
Let come the kingdom of Thy grace,
And keep us true adherents,
Root out of us all sin and vice
And cause of interference.
That we may see with endless joy
Thy kingdom’s glad appearance.
2. As fitting, Lord, we also pray,
Thy will be done,
Throughout the earth in every way
As it is done in heaven.
For none may come to heaven’s height
But by Thy Son,
In whom Thou hast put Thy delight
And who for us was riven!
And give us all our daily bread,
Yea, on our souls bestow it,
And feed us with Thy Word divine,
That we may hear and know it,
And point us on salvation’s way,
For therein dost Thou show it.
3. Our sins and all iniquity
Forgive us Lord!
And for the times we’ve angered Thee
Oh, hold it not against us!
So we our debtors do forgive,
With one accord!
And just as Thou hast set us free,
We pardon their offenses.
And lest we ever perish, Lord,
Lead not into temptation;
Deliver us from every ill,
Death, hell, and condemnation,
And to Thy kingdom bring us all
In glorious celebration.
Translation © Matthew Carver, 2010.
1. Ach Vater unser, der du bist
Im Himmelreich
Hoch über uns, darumb im Geist
Willt angebetet werden,
Dein heilger Nam werd ausgebreit
Geehrt in uns und überall
Im Himmel und auf Erden.
Das Reich der Gnaden komm uns zu
Und thu in uns bekleiben.
Und was dir nicht behäglich ist
In uns, das wöllst austreiben,
Auf daß wir mügen ewiglich
In deinem Reiche bleiben.
2. Auch billig, Herr, so bitt[n] wir das,
Dein Will gescheh(e) /
Auf Erden hie / In aller Maaß
Wie in dem Himmelreiche,
Dahin denn niemand kommen kann
Und mag bestan, / Dann der allein / Den Willen sein
Mit deinem thut vergleichen.
Und gieb uns unser täglich Brod,
Der Seelen ihre Speise,
Ich mein dein heiligs göttlichs Wort,
Daß wir das hörn mit Fleisse,
Darmit du uns zur Seligkeit
Den rechten Weg willt weisen.
3. Unser Schuld unde Missethat,
Herr, uns erlaß,
Und ob wir dich / Erzürnet han,
Das wöllst uns nicht zumessen.
Dann wir auch unsern Schuldigern
Thun solcher Maaß;
Wormit sie uns / Erzürnet han,
Das wöll wir ganz vergessen.
In kein Versuchung uns einführ,
Darin wir möchten verderben.
Für solchem Uebel uns bewahr,
Darvon die Seel möcht sterben.
Und mach uns allesammt zugleich
In deinem Reich zu erben.
COVERDALE (normalized):
1. O Father ours celestial,
We pray to Thee;
Thou wilt have us on Thee to call
In spirit and verity.
Thy godly name be sanctified
In great honor
Among us all; and hallowed
Also every hour.
The kingdom of Thy grace draw nigh,
That Thou may’st dwell alway in us
With Thy Holy Spirit continually,
That we remain not vicious:
But as Thou hast given us Thy Spirit,
So let us ever do good through it.
2. We pray Thee also, blessed Lord,
Let Thy will be done
Amongst us here with one accord,
As in heaven all season.
And let us never our will fulfill,
But Thine alway:
For ours is wicked and given to evil,
Truly both night and day.
And give us e’er our daily bread,
Both for our body and soul also;
And let us with Thy Word be fed,
That we be never kept therefro.
Lord, send us true shepherds therefore,
To feed us Thy sheep evermore.
3. Forgive our debts and sinfulness,
Lord, we Thee pray;
Where we have grieved the more or less,
Either by night or day.
For we forgive them that grieve us,
Or do us evil;
Trusting that thou wilt be gracious,
Thy promise to fulfill.
In no temptation, Lord, us bring,
Nor suffer us for to fall from Thee;
But be our keep in everything,
And keep us from all jeopardy,
Both of our body and soul also,
And deliver us wherever we go,
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