07 July 2024

Lobt Gott in seinem Heiligthum

Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Lobt Gott in seinem Heiligthum” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm CL, Laudate Dominum in sanctis eius, with title “God’s praise in the sanctuary . . . Alleluia” and melody assignment “Christ, der du bist der helle Tag.” To the hymn is added an Alleluia refrain in Schütz’s setting. An alternate translation, “Sing Alleluia, Praise the Lord” by Dr. D. G. Reuning was published in 1972 by GIA Publishing.


PRAISE God within His holy place,
Give glory to the Lord of grace,
And praise His splendor every hour
All in th’ expanse of His great pow’r!

2 O praise Him in His mighty acts—
His mighty pow’r that nothing lacks!
At every moment ready be
To praise His glorious majesty!

3 Praise ye the Lord, with gladness sing,
And let the goodly trumpet ring,
The psalt’ry and the harp employ,
Praise him and multiply your joy!

4 Praise ye the Lord with hymnody
And let the timbrel echo free!
Let strings with pleasant tones resound
And music of the pipes abound!

5 Praise God with cymbals loud and clear!
Let us rejoice with hearty cheer
In God the Lord! Let all that live
And breathe, to God their praises give!

Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.

Lobt Gott in ſeinem Heiligthumb,
Gebet dem Herren Ehr und Ruhm,
Und preiſet ſeine groſſe Pracht
Wohl in den Feſten ſeiner Macht.

2  Lobt ihn in ſeinen Thaten all,
Groß ſind ſeine Werck allzumahl,
Laſſet euch finden ſtets bereit,
Zu loben ſeine Herrligkeit.

3  Lobet den HErrn mit fröhlichm Muth
Und blaſet die Poſaunen gut,
Mit Pſalter und mit Harfenſpiel
Lobt ihn und macht der Freuden viel.

4  Lobet den HErren mit Geſang
Und laſt hergehn der Paucken Klang,
Die Saiten lieblich klingen drein
Mit Pfeiffen fröhlich an den Reign.

5  Lobt GOtt mit hellen Cymbeln fein,
Laſt uns im HErren fröhlich ſeyn,
Alles, was lebt und Odem hat,
Lobe den Herren früh und ſpat.

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