02 August 2013

Wir glauben all und bekennen frei

Here is my translation of the Bohemian Brethren hymn “Wir glauben all und bekennen frei” (M. Weiße, 1531),  a sort of brief symbol or confession of what the Supper is (as the original title suggests). The melody is apparently based on the Gregorian tune “Omnipotens Pater gentium.” Both text and tune were later altered and are still found in many hymnals to this day, including that of the SELK.

WE believe and freely all confess,
Just as Jesus said,
That this bread His Body is
That for all our sin to suff’ring sped,
And was crucified and dead;

2. Also that the wine, as He has willed,
Is His Blood unstained,
That upon the cross was spilled,
And the greatest good for all obtained
Who in Him have faith unfeigned.

Translation © 2013 Matthew Carver.

1. Wir glauben all und bekennen frei,
daß nach Christi Wort,
diß Brot der Leib Christi sei,
der für unser Sünd und Missetat
leid am Kreuz den bittern Tod.

2. Desgleichen der Wein in seiner Art
sein unschuldig Blut,
welchs am Kreuz vergossen ward,
uns und allen gläubigen zugut,
so ihm folgen in Demut.

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