21 August 2013

Congaudent angelorum

Here is my translation of “Congaudent angelorum,” sung by the church as the Sequence for the Assumption (et al.), as corrected by Hermann Bonnus and found in Ludecus’ cantionale (1589). Included with Bonnus’ Latin are the variants from the original text before the evangelical corrections. These consist mainly of amending Marian adoration to reverence (in accord, e.g., with early councils), and, toward the end of the Sequence, redirecting invocatory language from Mary to Christ. Interestingly, this Sequence was general for the Assumption throughout German lands, whereas the Sarum use employed three special Sequences along with the other Marian ones throughout the Octave.

IN COMMON celebration
Angels joy in Mary glorified,

2a. Who without relation
Of mortal man, her Son supplied,
2b. Who restores creation
By His body’s healing tide.

3a. For now this Virgin’s heart rejoices
To see the Man as heaven’s Prince
3b. That once amid the manger noises
Received from her His sustenance.

4a. How angels sing the splendor
 Of Jesus’ mother, Mary honoring!
4b. Who, owning fealty, render
Their faithful service to Her Son, the King.

5a. How brightly in heaven
They the virgin maid revere,
  Whose body was given
To their Lord a lodging dear,
And as a chamber free from stain!
5b. How fair is the shining
Of the sea-star in the heights, Who, humbly inclining,
Bore the Light above all lights,—
Light of all spirits, stars, and men!

6a. The King of all heaven,
Jesus Christ our Lord,
  By all His humble church adored,
6b. Who ever is given
Songs of sweet accord,
  With all the hosts on high outpoured.

7a. Whom sacred scriptures sweetly frame,
Prophets as in chorus joyful name,
Clerics and apostles jointly
And the holy martyrs all proclaim,
7b.  Whom man and maiden own the Way,
With their crosses foll’wing day to day,
Both in faith and true affection
Emulating saints above the fray.

8a. All Thy church, in spirit soaring,
Thee with hymns adoring,
Calling Thee most highly prized,
8b. Faith before Thee thus revealing,
Humbly to Thy heart appealing,
  Beseeches Thee to hear, O Jesus Christ,

9. That Thou wouldst forever deign
From Thy Father to obtain
Help by Thy pray’rs all-availing.

Translation © 2013 Matthew Carver.

1. Congaudent angelorum
chori gloriosae Virgini,

2a. Quae sine virili
commixtione genuit
2b. Filium qui suo
mundum cruore medicat.

3a. Nam ipsa laetatur,
quod caeli iam conspicatur Principem.
3b. In terris cui quondam
sugendas Virgo mammillas praebuit.

4a. Quam celebris angelis
Maria Jesu mater creditur.
4b. Qui Filii illius
debitos se cognoscunt famulos. [debito…] V

5a. Quam fulgida in caelis [Qua gloria…]
ista Virgo cernitur, […colitur]
quae Domino caeli
praebuit hospitium
sui sanctissimi corporis.
5b. Quam splendida polo
stilla maris rutilat,  [stella…]* (I have used the original reading here)
quae omnium lumen
astrorum et hominum
atque spirit[u]um genuit.

6a. Jesum Christum caeli Regem, [Te caeli regina]
quem plebecula [haec plebicula]
piis concelebrant mentibus.
6b. Quem cantu melodo [Te … melodos]
super aethera
una cum angelis elevat.

7a. Quem libri sacri concinunt, [Te libri virgo…]
Prophetarum chorus jubilat,
sacerdotum Apostoli,
sanctique martyres praedicant. [Christique …]
7b. Quem plebis sexus sequitur, [Te plebes…]
utriusque vitam diligens
Christianam caelicolas [virginalem…]
in dilectione aemulans. [in castimonia…]

8a. Ecclesia ergo cuncta
Te cordibus Teque
carminibus venerans. […celebrat]
8b. Tibi suam manifestat
devotionem precatu
Te supplici implorans, Jesu Christe. [… implorans Maria]

9. Ut sibi auxilio
circa patrem Dominum  […Christum…]
esse digneris per aevum.

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