Index to "Walther's Hymnal" i.e., KELG or KGELG (Kirchengesangbuch für evangelischen lutherischen Geminden unveränderter Augsburgischer Confession)
If you know of competent translations of these hymns other than the ones listed here, let me know. Many translations are indicated because they happen to be public domain. Those possibly under copyright are indicated with a © mark. Those that exist under the given English title in popular hymnals are for the most part not provided with translation notes: I'll add the links to my translations as I have time.
I. Sunday
1. All Glory Be to God on High
2. Abide with Us, Our Savior
Amen! With Ears Perceiving (1600s, tr. Carver, 2008)
4. Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now
5. Lord, Open Thou My Heart
This Is God’s Holy Day of Rest (tr. Carver)
7. Kyrie! God Father in Heaven Above (tr. G. Polack ©)
8. Dearest Jesus, We Are Here
9. Now, the Hour of Worship O’er (Schenck, tr. Composite)
10. Let Earth Now Shout unto the Lord
To Father, Son and Holy Ghost* (Straßburg; tr. Carver)
To Father, Son and Holy Ghost* (Deler; tr. Carver)
II. Advent and Christmas
13. Arise, Sons of the Kingdom!
Arise, My Soul, and Through the Air (tr. Carver)
15. Now Praise We Christ, the Holy One
16. The Bridegroom Soon Will Call Us
17. O Hail this Brightest Day of Days (Klug, tr. Terry)
18. O Rejoice, Ye Christians, Loudly
Rejoice, Ye Sons of Adam All! (Freund, tr. Carver)
20. All My Heart This Night Rejoices
21. O Jesus Christ, All Praise to Thee (Luther, tr. A.T. Russell)
22. Once He Came in Blessing (tr. Winkworth / Carver)
23. Let the Earth Now Praise the Lord (Held, tr. Winkworth)
24. Lord Christ, Son of the Father (Creuziger, tr. Carver)
I Bid Thee Welcome Now (Ziegler, tr. Carver)
26. Come, Thou Precious Ransom, Come (Olearius, tr. Crull)
Comest Thou Jesus, from Heaven (Nachtenhöfer, tr. Fowler /Carver)
28. Let Us All with Gladsome Voice
29. To God We Render Thanks (Weiße, tr. Mor. H.-Book, 1859)
30. Praise God, the Lord, Ye Sons of Men
31. Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates
Hear, O Mortal Being (Herman, tr. Carver)
33. Ye Sons of Men, in Earnest
34. Now Are the Days Fulfilled
35. The New Church Year Again Is Come
36. Savior of the Heathen, Come (Luther, tr. Reynolds)
37. Now Sing We, Now Rejoice
O Royal Son of David’s Line (von Zesen, tr. Carver)
39. O Jesus Christ! Thy Manger Is
40. Behold! Behold! What Wonders Here (Gerhardt, tr. Kelly)
41. From Heav’n Above to Earth I Come
42. To Shepherds As They Watched by Night
Since Adam’s Age, So Long Ago (tr. Carver)
44. O Lord, How Shall I Meet Thee
45. We Christians May Rejoice Today
46. We Sing, Immanuel, Thy Praise
III. New Year
Unto Thy Faithfulness, O Christ — Heermann, tr. Carver.
48. The Old Year Now Hath Passed Away — Steuerlein, tr. Winkworth.
49. The New-born Child This Early Morn — Schneegaß, tr. ELH 1898.
50. To God the Anthem Raising — Eber, tr. Døving.
51. O Lord, Our Father, Thanks to Thee — Schneegaß, tr. Crull.
52. Help Us, O Lord! Behold We Enter — Rist, tr. Winkworth.
Rejoice, O Christendom, Rejoice — Liscow, tr. Carver.
54. Now Let Us Come Before Him — Gerhardt, tr. Kelly.
Lord, Now We Start Another Year — Werner, tr. Carver.
56. Why Should They Such Pain E’er Give Thee — Gerhardt, tr. Kelly.
IV. Epiphany
57. Arise and Shine in Splendor — Opitz, tr. Gieschen.
At Last, Dear Soul, the Time Is Here — tr. Carver.
59. O Jesus, King of Glory — tr. Winkworth.
60. Why, Herod, Unrelenting Foe — Luther, tr. Massie.
Thee, Lord, We Thank, Now Gathered Here — tr. Carver.
V. Purification
62. O Dearest Jesus, Thee I Pray — Helder, tr. Crull.
63. Thank God! My Jesus Cleanseth Me! — Olearius, tr. Crull.
64. Light of the Gentile World! —
65. In Peace and Joy I Now Depart —
VI. Annunciation
Rejoice! Thou Precious Christendom — tr. Carver.
Now Let Us Gravely Ponder — tr. Carver.
O Wonder Vast! We Have at Last — tr. Carver.
VII. Passion
69. O Christ, Thou Lamb of God
70. Our Blessed Savior Sev’n Times Spoke
On the Cross my Love ascendeth — tr. Carver.
72. Jesu, Thy Soul Renew My Own — tr. J. Wesley.
73. A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth — tr. Comp.
Lord Jesus, Thy Distress and Pain — Unknown, tr. M. Carver.
75. O Dearest Jesus, What Law Hast Thou — Heermann, tr. Winkworth.
76. Jesus, I Will Ponder Now — von Birken, tr. Crull.
77. O What Precious Balm and Healing — Heerman, tr. Massie.
Jesus, Who Art Gladly Going — Francke, tr. Carver.
79. Christ, the Life of All the Living — Homburg, tr. Winkworth.
Come Here and See — Bapzien, tr. Carver.
O My Soul, Take Comfort, See — Schade, tr. Carver.
Oh! Could I But Sufficient Tears be Shedding — Sacer, tr. Carver.
83. Thou Man of Sorrows, Hail! — Thebesius, tr. Russell.
84. O Sacred Head, Now Wounded — Gerhardt, tr. Composite.
85. Lord Jesus Christ, My Life, My Light — Behm, tr. Winkworth.
86. O Lamb of God Most Holy — Decius, tr. Russell.
87. O Lamb of God Most Holy (var.?) — Decius + ?, tr. Russell / Carver.
88. O Darkest Woe — Unkn / Rist, tr. Winkworth
89. Upon the Cross Extended — Gerhardt, tr. Kelly.
Boast, O World, of All Thy Learning — Job, tr. Carver.
91. Thousand Times by Me Be Greeted — Gerhardt, tr. Moravian Hymn-book.
92. Lord Jesus, Thou Art Going Forth — Nachtenhöfer, tr. Polack ©.
93. So Rest, My Rest! — Franck, tr. Massie.
94. When o’er My Sins I Sorrow
95. We Bless Thee, Jesus Christ Our Lord — Fischer (Vischer), tr. Kennedy
VIII. Resurrection
This Is Such a Holy Day — tr. Carver, et al.
97. Awake My Heart with Gladness
98. Christ is Arisen (Lord Have Mercy)
99. Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands
100. Christ the Lord is Ris’n Again — Weisse, tr. Winkworth.
Though surely Death had swallow’d — Werner, tr. M. Carver.
Thou Mighty Champion, Jesus, Lord — Mylius, tr. M. Carver (also, A. Crull).
The Day hath Dawned—the Day of Days tr. Russell / Carver
104. O Rejoice, Ye/All Christians, Loudly (Easter version)* (tr. Winkworth / Carver)
105. Ere Yet the Dawn Hath Filled the Skies (tr. Winkworth./ATR/Carver)
106. To God Give Thanks and Him Revere (tr. Carver)
107. Today Triumphant Is God’s Son (tr. Carver [to do: consult other English versions])
108. I Am Content! My Jesus Liveth Still (tr. Crull)
109. Jesus! Thou Awide Who Breakest (tr. Carver)
110. Jesus Christ Who Came to Save (tr. Bacon / Carver)
111. Jesus Christ, My Sure Defense
112. O Death! Where is Thy Cruel Sting (tr. Composite)
113. Be Joyful All, Both Far and Near tr. Kelly.
114. We Lift Our Voice with Joyful Noise (tr. Carver)
115. Where Wilt Thou Go, Since Night Draws Near
IX. Ascension
116. Oh, Conqueror of Mighty Sway ( tr. Carver)
117. On Christ’s Ascension I Now Build (tr. Czamanske)
118. Today Our Lord Went Up on High (tr. Winkworth / Carver)
119. Christ Rose to Heaven (tr. Carver)
120. Thou Prince of Life, Ascended Lord (tr. Novello / Carver)
121. Lo, God to Heav’n Ascendeth
122. O Children of Your God, Rejoice tr. A.T. Russell / M. Carver)
123. We Thank Thee, Jesus, Dearest Friend (tr. Loy)
124. Draw Us to Thee, for Then Shall We ( tr. Crull)
X. Pentecost
125. God Cherished From Eternity (tr. Carver)
126. The Holy Ghost to Earth Was Sent (tr. Carver)
127. The Rich Grace of the Holy Ghost (tr. Carver)
128. Rejoice, Ye Christians Proudly (tr. Carver)
129. God Grant a Gentle Shower (Crull)
130. O Father! Send Thy Spirit Down (tr. Kelly)
131. Lord I Would Venture on Thy Word (tr. Carver)
132. Come Holy Ghost, Creator Blest (tr. Caswall)
133. Come, Holy Ghost, and Fill the Hearts (tr. Carver [to do: cf. English chant])
134. Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord! (tr. Comp.)
135. Come, O Come, Thou Quick’ning Spirit (tr. Schaeffer)
136. We Now Implore God the Holy Ghost (tr. Composite)
137. O Mighty God, Thou Purest Essence (tr. Carver)
138. O Holy Ghost, Thou Highest One (tr. Carver)
139. O Holy Ghost, Eternal God (tr. Crull)
140. O Holy Spirit, Enter In (tr. Winkworth)
141. Oh, Enter, Lord, Thy Temple
XI. Trinity & Trinity-tide
142. All Glory Be to God Alone ( tr. Polack)
143. Thou Who art Three in Unity (tr. Massie)
144. The Lord, My God, Be Praised ( tr. Winkworth)
145. God the Father, Be Our Stay (tr. Massie)
146. Alleluia! Let Praises Ring! (tr. Composite)
147. Isaiah, Mighty Seer in Days of Old (tr. Composite)
148. My Mouth Shall Gladly Worship (tr. Carver)
149. O God, Most Sacred Trinity (tr. Carver)
150. The Mystery Hidden from the Eyes tr. R. Massie (or tr. J. Kelly.)
XII. St. John the Baptist (24. June)
151. When All the World was Cursed (LW)
152. The God of Israel Be Blest (tr. Carver)
153. O Jesus, Lamb of God, Thou art! ( tr. Crull)
XIII. Visitation (2. July)
154. My Soul, O God, Gives Praise to Thee (tr. Carver)
XIV. St. Michael
155. For Love God Gives to Christendom (tr. Carver)
156. Lord God, to Thee We Give All Praise (tr. Cronenwett)
157. O God! Thy Children Who Dost Love (tr. Carver)
XV. Reformation Day (31 October)
158. A Mighty Fortress is Our God (tr. Composite)
159. Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Thy Word (tr. Winkworth, alt.)
160. O Lord, Thy Blessed, Saving Word ( tr. Carver)
161. O God, Our Lord, Thy Holy Word (tr. Polack / Carver)
162. If God Had Not Been on Our Side (tr. Composite)
163. Thee, Ever, God, We Thank and Laud ( tr. Carver)
XVI. Commemorations of Holy Apostles
164. Lord Jesus, Treasure of Mankind (tr. Carver)
XVII. God’s Word and the Christian Church
165. Lord Jesus Christ! with Us Abide tr. Composite.
166. O God, Look Down From Heaven, Behold tr. Composite.
167. Lord of Our Life, and God of Our Salvation — tr., adapt. Pusey.
On a Church’s Anniversary.
168. Thrice Holy God, Incline Thy Sight tr. Carver.
169. Preserve Thy Word, O Savior tr. Schaefer/Carver.
170. The Mouth of Fools doth God Confess tr. Massie
171. May God Bestow on Us His Grace tr. Massie.
172. May God Be Gracious and Merciful unto Us tr. Carver.
173. O Lord of Hosts, Thy Holy Word tr. Carver.
174. Let Me Be Thine Forever tr. Loy.
175. O Christ, Our True and Only Light —
176. Thine Honor Save, O Christ, Our Lord (tr. Loy)
177. Grant Peace, We Pray, in Mercy, Lord tr. Carver.
178. We Men, O God, Are All Unfit tr. Carver.
XVIII. Catechism Hymns
179. Lord, Help Us Ever to Retain tr. Loy.
1. The Law
180. That Men a Godly Life Might Live tr. Massie.
181. Wilt Thou, O Man, Live Happily tr. Massie.
182. Almighty Lord of Earth and Heaven
2. The Christian Faith
183. We All Believe in One True God, Who Created tr. Composite.
184. We All Believe in One True God, Father tr. Winkworth.
3. The Lord’s Prayer
185. Our Father, Who from Heav’n Above
4. Holy Baptism
186. To Jordan Came the Christ, Our Lord tr. Winkworth.
187. Ye Baptized People, One and All tr. Composite.
188. O Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Thou God tr. Carver.
189. Lord! Make Us As Thy Children Small tr. Carver.
190. Dearest Jesus! We are Here tr. Winkworth / Carver.
191. O God! When I Could Find No Cure tr. Carver.
5. Holy Absolution
192. Yea, as I Live, Jehovah Saith tr. Loy.
193. O Faithful God, Thanks Be to Thee tr. Composite.
6. Holy Communion
194. Lord Jesus Christ, Thou Living Bread tr. Russell /
Carver (supp.)
Nun freut euch lieben Christ’n
195. O Lord, We Praise, Bless Thee and Adore Thee tr. Composite.
(Morning Hymn before Communion)
196. Praise the Lord! The Day of Blessing tr. Carver.
197. Lord Jesus Christ, Thou hast Prepared tr. Cronenwett.
198. Lord Jesus Christ, My Faithful Shepherd —tr. Winkworth/Carver.
199. Lord Jesus! Thanks and Praise Be Thine tr. Carver.
200. Lord Jesus, My Heart’s Pleasure tr. Carver.
201. Now to Thy Grace Invited tr. Carver.
202. I Come, O Savior, to Thy Table tr. Composite/Carver.
203. Thy Table Dear I Now Draw Near tr. Carver.
204. I Long at Every Hour tr. Carver.
205. Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior tr. ELHB / Massie.
206. O Jesus, Bridegroom From Above tr. Carver.
207. O Jesus, Thou My Blessing tr. Carver.
208. O Shepherd Ever-Caring tr. Carver.
209. Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God (liturgical / KJV)
210. Soul, Adorn Thyself with Gladness tr. Winkworth.
XIX. Repentance and Confession
211. Oh, God, Impart Thy Grace to Us tr. Carver.
212. Alas, My God, How Great My Load tr. Winkworth / Carver.
213. In Thee Alone, O Christ My Lord tr. Russell.
214. From Depths of Woe I Cry to Thee tr. C. Winkworth.
So Great is Thy Devotion, Lord (tr. Carver)
216. Lord Jesus Christ! Thou Highest Good tr. Winkworth/Carver.
217. Jesus Christ! Thou King Supreme tr. Carver.
218. A Wretched Man and Wretched Sinner tr. Carver.
219. A Sinner Poor, I Come to Thee tr. Carver.
220. I Will Return unto the Lord tr. Winkworth/Carver
221. Jesus, Thou My Soul Hast Wrested tr. Carver.
222. Jesus Sinners Doth Receive tr. Composite.
223. Now Is the Time of Grace tr. Spiritual Hymns.
224. Oh, Come, Ye Sinners, Straying Long tr. Carver.
225. Remove From Us, O Faithful God! tr. Terry/Carver.
226. O God, Thou Righteous, Faithful Lord tr. Crull.
227. O God Above, Reveal Thy Love tr. Carver.
228. O Lord, My God, I Only May tr. Carver.
229. So Truly As I Live, God Saith
230. O Whither Shall I Flee? tr. Morav. H.B.
231. Oh See, What Righteousness and Light tr. Carver.
XX. Faith and Justification
232. Oh, How Great is Thy Compassion tr. Crull.
233. God Loved the World So That tr. Crull.
234. By Grace I’m Saved tr. Loy.
235. This Is Faithful, Tried and True (tr. Carver)
236. All Mankind Fell in Adam’s Fall
237. Salvation unto Us is Come
238. Lord Jesus Christ, My Salve and Light (Rist; tr. Carver)
239. Through Jesus’ Blood and Merit
240. Now I Have Found the Firm Foundation
241. I Know My Faith is Founded
242. My Savior Sinners doth Receive (Lehr; tr. Comp./Carver)
243. Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice!
244. O Son of God, O Christ Our Lord (Denicke; tr. Carver)
245. Seek Where Ye May to Find a Way
246. If Thy Beloved Son, O God
XXI. Jesus
247. My Truest Friend Abides in Heaven (Der beste Freund ist in dem Himmel; tr. Comp.)
248. The Lord, the Earth Who Ruleth (Kelly, p. 266)
249. One Thing’s Needful, Lord, this Treasure
250. Jesus, Savior, Come to Me
251. Jesus, Priceless Treasure
252. Jesus, Joy of All My Heart
253. Jesus, Jesus, Only Jesus
254. Jesus Mine I Will Not Leave (Linzner; tr. Carver)
255. Jesus I Will Never Leave (…Who for me Himself…)
256. O Jesus Christ! My Fairest Light (tr. Kelly)
257. O Jesus, Jesus, God's Own Son (J. Heermann; tr. Carver)
258. O Jesus Sweet, To Think on Thee (Moller, after Bernard; tr. Carver)
259. O Treasure of All Treasures (Schatz über alle Schätze; tr. Carver)
260. Jesus, Bridegroom Mine
261. How Lovely shines the Morning-Star
262. My Soul’s Best Friend, What Joy and Blessing
XXII. Christian Life
263. O God, Forsake Me Not!
264. Oh, What Are We Without Jesus (Ach! was sind wir ohne Jesum?; tr. Carver)
265. Jehovah, Let Me Now Adore Thee
266. Renew Me, O Eternal Light!
267. O Thou God of Truth Who Art (Gott! der du wahrhaftig bist; tr. Carver)
268. From Eternity, O God (orig. for Whitsunday)
269. Lord Jesus, Sun of Goodness (Herr Jesu, Gnadensonne; tr. Carver)
270. Lord, As Thou Wilt, Deal Thou with Me
271. Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart
272. O Help Me, God, That E'er For Thee (Hilf mir, mein Gott! hilf, daß nach dir; tr. Carver)
273. Lord Jesus Christ, I Call on Thee (Ich ruf zu dir; tr. Composite)
274. My God, My Works, and All I Do
275. Jesus Christ, My Pride and Glory (Olearius; tr. Kretzmann / Carver)
276. Come Hither Saith the Son of God (Kommt her zu mir; tr. Mor. H-Book / Carver)
277. Come and Hear Our Blessed Savior (Heermann/Denicke; tr. Jacobi, alt.)
278. Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus
279. Come, My Soul, Thyself Prepare
280. Come, Follow Me, the Savior Spake
281. O God, Thou Faithful God
282. Rise ! To Arms! With Prayers Employ You!
283. Be Thou Faithful to the Ending (Sei getreu bis an das Ende; tr. Warner, alt./Carver)
284. Be True to God, O Man, and Keep (Sei Gott getreu, halt seinen Bund; tr. Carver)
285. What Is the World to Me
286. Soul, What Return Has God, Thy Savior (Lochner; tr. Comp.)
287. How Can I Thank Thee, Lord?
288. Why Art Thou Proud, Poor Clod of Earth (Was willt du, armer Erdenkloß; tr. Carver)
289. Thou One All Skills Possess (Burmeister; tr. Carver)
290. How Can It Be, My Highest Light (tr. Kelly)
291. Blessed Is the Man That Never (tr. Døving)
XXIII. Morning Hymns
292. My Inmost Heart Now Raises (tr. Winkworth)
293. While Yet the Morn Is Breaking (tr. Winkworth)
294. The Radiant Sun Shines in the Skies (tr. Comp.)
295. The Night-Time Now Is Passed Away (Die Nacht nunmehr vergangen ist; tr. Carver)
296. Awake My Heart and Mind, Awake (Ermuntre dich, Herz, Muth und Sinn; tr. Carver)
297. God, Who Madest Earth and Heaven (tr. Winkworth)
298. Praise God, the Day Is Here at Last (Gott lob, der Tag ist nun herbei; tr. Carver)
At the Week’s Beginning
299. As We Begin Another Week
300. I Thank Thee, Lord, for Keeping (Ich dank’ dir, lieber Herre!; tr. Carver)
301. I Thank Thee, Father, Through Thy Son (Ich dank’ dir schon durch deinen Sohn; tr. Carver)
302. Now that the Day Hath Reached its Close (Möckhel; tr. Carver)
303. O Blessed, Holy Trinity (tr. Schuette, alt.)
304. Awake My Heart, Be Singing (P. Gerhardt; tr. Kelly)
305. How Lovely Shines the Morning Star (Wiesenmayer; tr. Cox, alt.)
XXIV. Table Hymns
1.Before Eating
306. Lord, Bless For us What Thou Hast Sent (Geseg’n uns, Herr! die Gaben dein; tr. Carver)
307. Mighty God, We Wretched Sinners (Großer Gott! wir armen Sünder; tr. Carver)
308. Feed Thy Children, God Most Holy (Heermann; tr. Comp.)
2. After Eating
309. To God the Lord Be Praises (Helmbold; tr. Mor. H.-Book, alt.)
310. Our Thanks We Give to God Above (Wir danken Gott für seine Gab’n; tr. Carver)
XXV. Evening Hymns
311. Oh, My Lord, Behold, I Greet Thee (Schlicht; tr. Carver)
312. Lord Christ, Thou Art the Heavenly Light (Alber; tr. Terry)
313. Christ, Everlasting Source of Light (tr. ELHB)
314. O God, Be with Us, for the Night Is Falling (Herbert; tr. based on Winkworth)
315. Before Thy Throne I Now Appear (Hodenburg; tr. ELHB)
316. Once Again, O Lord, Is Ended (Neumann; tr. Mueller, alt./Carver)
317. The Sun’s Last Beam of Light Is Gone (Herman; tr. Comp.)
318. I Thank Thee, God, Whose Loving Way (Heermann: Ich danke dir, liebreicher Gott!; tr. Carver)
319. Now Rest Beneath Night’s Shadow (tr. ELHB)
320. Since Now the Day Hath Reached Its Close (tr. ELHB)
321. Sink Not Yet My Soul to Slumber (tr. ELHB)
At the Week’s End
322. God, to Thee My Spirit Sendeth (Gott! mein Herz dir Dank zusendet; tr. Carver)
XXVI. Vocation & Calling
323. All Depends on Our Possessing
324. With the Lord Begin Thy Task
325. Now Let My Task Be Undertaken (M. Walther; tr. Carver)
326. I Venture Forward Now (von Hippen; tr. Carver)
Marriage Hymns
327. Those Who Wish for Wedded Union (Wer den Ehstand will erwählen; tr. Carver)
328. Happy the Man Who Feareth God (Luther; tr. Massie)
Travel Hymns
329. In All My Plans, Thou Highest (Fleming; tr. Comp.)
330. In God's Name Let Us On Our Way (Herman; tr. Carver)
331. With God Be Thou Thy Voyage Making (Wer nur mit seinem Gott verreiset; tr. Carver)
Harvest Hymn
332. Rejoice, Ye Great and Small (C. Schmidt; tr. Carver)
Appendix for Children
333. Dear God, I Pray Thee Graciously (Mein Lieber Gott; tr. M. Carver)
334. There Is Within This Heart of Mine (B. Walther / B. Derschow; tr. A. Crull)
335. O Faithful God, My Thanks to Thee (B. Derschow; tr. Carver0
XXVII. Songs of Praise and Thanks
336. The Lord Hath Helped Me Hitherto
337. Lord God, Thy Praise We Sing (Luther's
Te Deum)
338. O God, My Father, Thanks to Thee (P. Gerhardt; tr. Kelly)
339. O Lord! I Sing With Mouth and Heart (P. Gerhardt; tr. Kelly)
340. With Thanks I Wish to Enter (P. Gerhardt; tr. M. Tangner.)
341. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
342. Praise, Laud, and Thanks Be to Our God (Moller; tr. Carver)
343. Praise Ye Jehovah (Selnecker; tr. Carver)
344. O Praise the Lord, All Heathendom (Lobet den Herren, ihr Heiden all; tr. Carver)
345. My God, I Thank Thee Heartily (Mein Gott, ich danke herzlich dir; tr. Carver)
346. Now Thank We All Our God
347. All Ye Who On This Earth Do Dwell (P. Gerhardt; tr. Ramsey)
348. My Soul, Now Bless Thy Maker
349. O That I Had a Thousand Voices
350. Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above
351. I Will Sing My Maker’s Praises
XXVIII. Cross and Comfort
352. Ah God, My Days Are Dark Indeed (P. Gerhardt; tr. Winkworth, alt./Carver)
In the Course of Death.
353. Dear Christians, Now Be of Good Cheer (Spaiser/Gigas; tr. Carver)
354. In God, My Faithful God
355. Commit Whatever Grieves Thee
356. God Brings Restoration (Stockmann; tr. Carver)
357. God Leads His Saints By Seldom Ways (Gott führt die Seinen wunderlich; tr. Carver)
358. God Ever True Remains (Wilhelmi; tr. Carver)
359. God Liveth Still (Zihn; tr. Cox)
360. O Lord, Redeemer of Thy Host (Freder, after the Litany; tr. Carver)
361. Lord God, Who Art My Father Dear (Mathesius; tr. Crull)
362. Help, Savior, Help, in Fear and Need (Moller; tr. Cronenwett)
363. I Am Content, Christ Jesus Is My Lord
364. I Leave All Things to God's Direction
365. In Thee, Lord, I Have Put My Trust
366. If God Himself Be For Me
367. Keep Firm! God Won't Forsake Them (Kessler, tr. Composite)
368. (The common Litany)
369. Soft My Soul Reposes (Meine Seel ist stille zu Gott; tr. Carver)
370. Look Up to Thy God Again (P. Gerhardt, tr. Kelly.)
371. Seems It Only in My Anguish (Sollt es gleich bisweilen scheinen; tr. Comp.)
372. Tend Me, Father, with Thy Care (Sorge, Vater, sorge du; tr. Carver)
373. Faithful God, My Heart's Affliction (Heermann: Treuer Gott, ich muß dir klagen; tr. Carver)
374. From God Can Nothing Move Me
375. Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve Me
376. What God Ordains Is Always Good
377. The Will of God Is Always Best
378. O Thou, My Soul, So Tender (Heermann: Was willt du dich betrüben; tr. Carver)
379. Let Not Such a Thought E'er Pain Thee (P. Gerhardt; tr. Kelly)
380. When Afflictions Sore Oppress You (Olearius; tr. Cox)
381. Who Trusts In God, a Strong Abode
382. If Thou But Suffer Got to Guide Thee
383. As God Shall Lead I'll Take My Way (Wie Gott mich führt, so will ich gehn; tr. H. Mills)
384. How Long, How Long, O Sov'reign God (Heermann: Wie lang hab ich, o höchster Gott; tr. Carver)
385. Zion Mourns in Fear and Anguish
XXIX. In Special Times of Danger.
1. In General National Emergency.
386. Turn From Us, Gracious God, Thy Wrath (tr. Carver)
387. When in the Hour of Deepest Need
2. In Times of War
388. Grant Peace, O God of Faithfulness (Schneegraß; tr. Carver)
389. God, Grant Peace to This Thy Nation (Edelmann; tr. Carver)
3. Under Persecution
390. O Lord Our Father, Shall We Be Confounded
391. Shall I Not Trust My God Ever (Olearius; tr. Carver)
4. In Severe Storms
392. A Tempest Fills the Skies (Ein Wetter steiget auf; tr. Carver)
393. As Thunder Rolls, Dear God, We Plead (Es donnert sehr, o lieber Gott; tr. Carver)
After the Storm
394. Who Is a God Like Thee, Jehovah (Wo ist ein solcher Gott zu finden; tr. Carver)
5. In Severe Drought
395. Alas, O Lord, Thou Righteous God (N. Herman: Ach Herre, du gerechter Gott; tr. Carver)
XXX. Death and Burial Hymns
Prayer for a gentle and blessed end.
396. O God, As Now I Contemplate (Ach Gott, wenn ich bei mir betracht; tr. Carver)
397. All Men Living Are But Mortal
398. The End, O Mortal, Ponder (Bedenke Mensch, das Ende; tr. Carver)
399. The Truth and Life is Christ Our King (Christ ist die Wahrheit und das Lebn; tr. Carver)
400. For Me to Live Is Jesus
At the Burial of Children and the Young
401. Mine Art Thou Still, and Mine Shalt Be (P. Gerhardt; tr. Kelly)
402. I Am a Poor and Little Worm (Frölich; tr. Carver)
403. I've Had Enough! O Lord, My Spirit Take (Burmeister; tr. Carver)
404. O Rejoice, My Spirit, Gladly (Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele; tr. Carver)
At the Burial of Infants
405. Praise God, This Hour of Sorrow (Heermann/Brorson; tr. Smeby/Carver)
406. (See #85).
407. Lord Jesus Christ, True Man and God (tr. Winkworth)
408. Now Hush Your Cries and Shed No Tears (Prudentius/N. Herman; tr. Winkworth)
409. A Pilgrim and a Stranger (P. Gerhardt; tr. Borthwick, alt./Carver)
410. Lord, in Thy Power I Shall Remain (S. Dach; tr. Carver)
411. A Little Babe, Born Lately (Ich war ein kleines Kindlein; tr. Carver)
412. I Fall Asleep in Jesus' Wounds (tr. Winkworth, alt.)
413. Cease, O Cease, My Friends, Your Weeping (Heermann; tr. Carver)
414. Suffer the Children Tender (Lasset die Kindlein kommen zu mir; tr. Carver)
Death Hymn for Children
415. With Joy I Now My Journey Make (Mit Freuden will ich fahrn dahin; tr. Carver)
416. In the Midst of Earthly Life
To Sing at the Graveside
417a. Now Lay We Calmly In the Grave* (Weiße/Neumark; tr. Winkworth/Carver)
417b. Ye Bear Me to My Earthly Grave* (Weiße/Neumark; tr. Winkworth/Carver)
418. So Poor and Small, I Lie at Rest (Nun lieg ich armer Würmelein; tr. Carver)
419. Be Glad, My Heart, Now Fear No More (P. Gerhardt; tr. Kelly)
Prayer to the Holy Trinity at Death.
420. O Lord My God, to Thee I Cry (tr. Winkworth)
421. O Mortal, Keep Thine End in Sight (Heermann; tr. Carver)
422. O Death, Thou Canst Not Shake Me (Quirsfeld; tr. Carver)
423. O World, I Now Must Leave Thee (Hesse; tr. Winkworth/Carver)
Dialogue Between the Living and the Dead
424a. O How Blest Are Ye Whose Toils Are Ended* (Dach; tr. Longfellow)
424b. Truly We to Glory Have Arisen* (Pfeffer; tr. K. Runge ?©)
At the Burial of Children and the Young
425. My Course Is Run, In Glory (Sacer; tr. Comp./Carver)
426. Farewell I Gladly Bid Thee (Herberger; tr. Winkworth)
427. What Is Our Existence (Titius; tr. Carver)
428. When My Last Hour Is Close at Hand
429. Who Knows When Death Shall Overtake Me
430. How Short Man's Life, How Brief the Measure (Z. Hermann; tr. Carver)
XXXI. Eternity, the Resurrection and the Final Judgment.
431. For Thy Return, O Jesus, Lord (Bischoff; tr. Carver)
432. The Time Is Very Near (P. Gerhardt; tr. Kelly)
433. The Time Is Surely Drawing Near
[The Woes of Eternity.]
434. Eternity, Thou Word of Fear (Rist; tr. Comp./Carver)
435. How Shall We for Earthly Joys Be Sighing (Alberti; tr. Carver)
436. Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying
437. When God My Soul Shall Sever (Dach; tr. Carver)
Hymn for the Festival of the Reformation (§ XV.)
438. If God Were Not upon Our Side
Heroic Christian Courage (§ XVI.)
439. Rise Again, Ye Lion-Hearted [to do: several stanzas of lesser quality]
Morning Hymn (§ XXIII.)
440. Now Day Drives Off the Gloomy Night (Weiße; tr. Carver)
Hymn of Praise (§ XXVII.)
441. Praise Thou the Lord, O My Soul (Herrschmidt; tr. Haas, alt./Carver [to do: sts. 2, 4, 6–7])
442. God Gave the Gospel unto Us (Alber; tr. Carver)
The Joyous Welcome to the Heavenly Jerusalem
443. Jerusalem, Thou City Fair and High