22 March 2013

Qui solis excellit jubar / Der heller leuchtet denn die Sonn

Here is my translation of “Qui solis excellit jubar” (G. Fabricius), a Reformation-period Latin hymn first appearing in the author’s De historia et meditatione mortis Christi et de usitatis Ecclesiae christianae festis ac temporibus, 1553, and afterwards in his Poemata Sacra, and was included in the Andernach Hymnal. A German cento by Spangenberg was appointed in the Nürnberg hymnal (766 Geistliche Psalmen) to be sung during Passiontide, as an alternate to one of a couple vernacular versions of Gregory's Passion hymn, “Rex Christe factor omnium” [O Christ our King, who all hast made]. The melody appointed by Spangenberg for his German rendering is “Conditor alme siderum.”

The Andernach Hymnal, however, had the following tune (use the alternate ending):

THE LIGHT whose brightness passes far
The beauty both of sun and star,
With stripes disfigured, hangs His head
Upon the cross, and God is dead.

2. The Lord who gives His creatures breath,
And life to those who lie in death,
With arms the crossbeam spanning wide,
Between the thieves is crucified.

3. So wracked with wounds and injured sore,
Our wounds and injury He bore:
He took the sins He had not done,
And thus our remedy He won.

4. The Lamb is lifted on the stock,
The Spotless for the spotted flock:
The worthy Victim who alone
With God the Father can atone.

5. O Christ, our true High Priest and Lord,
Upon the Cross’s altar poured,
Who, dying, didst death’s kingdom scour
And lay to waste his tyrant pow’r:

6. To Thee, Eternal God, we flee,
Our Seat of Mercy fair and free,
Oh, take the sins which here we own,
And cast them to oblivion.

7. By Thee grant us to overthrow
The devil, our salvation’s foe,
The flesh, to stumbling ever prone,
The world, with fruitless pleasures sown.

8. Reach forth Thy tortured arms to take
The pleas that we Thy mourners make,
And to our faithful pray’rs incline
Thy visage bloody and divine.

9. O Life and Hope and Strength, to Thee,
Redeemer, Savior, glory be,
With God the Father on His throne,
And Holy Spirit, God alone.


Translation © 2013 Matthew Carver.

1. Qui solis excellit jubar
Et astra pulchritudine,
Deformis, horridus, lacer
Pendet necatus in cruce.

2. Qui dat creatis spiritum,
Vitamque donat mortuis,
Extendit in ligno manus,
Inter latrones mortuus.

3. Nostro ille laesus scilicet,
Et vulneratus vulnere:
Peccata quae non fecerat,
Seruaret ut nos, pertulit.

4. Agnus levatur stipite,
Pro noxiis innoxius:
Haec sola grata pro reis
Deo parenti victima.

5. O Christe noster, in crucis
Oblatus ara, Pontifex:
Qui morte mortem permeans
Mortis tyrannum destruis.

6. Ad te perennis currimus
Thronum paratum gratiae.
Patrata nobis crimina
Oblivione contere.

7. Per te queamus vincere
Hostem salutis daemonem,
Et omne carnis lubricum,
Ac triste mundi gaudium.

8. Votis gementum porrige,
Distenta ligno brachia,
Preces et ad nostras caput
Tabo reclina lividum.

9. Tu vita, consolatio,
Robur, salus, redemptio,
Tibi, et Parenti, et Flamini
Sacro, canatur gloria.

1. Der heller leuchtet denn die Sonn,
und übertrifft die Sterne schon,
der hänget an dem Kreuz hie tot,
greulich gegeisselt und verspott.

2. Der da die Toten auferweckt,
der haft am Holz hie ausgestreckt,
der allem Ding das Leben schenkt,
am Kreuz tot bei den Mördern hängt.

3. Der hängt am Kreuz verwundet sehr,
verletzt durch unsre Sünden schwer,
der trägt all unser Missethat,
der keine Sünd begangen hat.

4. Zu dem Thron deiner Gnaden wir,
demütig kommen nun zu dir,
und bitten dich durch deine Gnad,
Vergib uns unsre Missethat.

5. Gib, daß der Seelen Feind gedämpft,
der leidig Teufel überkämpft,
die eitel Freud auf dieser Erd,
des Fleisches Lust bezwungen werd.

6. Streck gnädig zu uns deine Arm,
und unsers Seufzens dich erbarm,
dein Blutig Haupt rab zu uns neig,
dich gnädig gegen uns erzeig.

7. Unser Leben und Trost du bist,
bei dir Stärk, Heil und Ablaß ist,
dir Vater, Sohn, Heiliger Geist,
werd ewig Lob und Ehr beweist.

16 March 2013

All Glory, Laud, and Honor - Old Tune ?

Repost from 2010.

Below is my tentative proposal for an alternate melody for the palmarum processional All Glory Laud and Honor (transl. of the "Gloria, laus, et honor"), mainly to avoid stealing a tune from another hymn (i.e. Herberger's "Farewell I Gladly Bid Thee"), mutilating it to fit it into another hymn . . . Following my tune I include an example of how a similiar thing was done long ago for the German vernacular version. I am no musician, so I welcome corrections and suggestions. Since it is used for the processional, it might be better to make it rhythmic as below.

Work in progress version:

Here is the music for the old German vernacular version. Note that the melody is somewhat expanded. The verses here (Israel es tu Rex) use what appears to be another melody from that in Liber Usualis.

12 March 2013

Vater, laß dein Herze brechen

“Vater, laß dein Herze brechen” (B. Schmolcke, †1737), a repentance hymn in 4 stanzas, as given in Burg’s hymnal, #1632 under the rubric Repentance Hymns, with the title “The Imperfection of Our Remorse.” The appointed melody is “Herr, ich habe mißgehandelt” [Lord, to Thee I Make Confession].

FATHER, LET Thy heart be broken!
For a broken heart I bear,
Speaking only as was spoken
By the Publican at pray’r:
I, a sinner poor and lowly,
Pray Thee to absolve me wholly!

2. Jesus, only Intercessor,
That canst sway the Father’s heart!
Of Thy wounds I am possessor;
Oh! then ever speak my part
Till the sentence sound in heaven:
Child, thy sins are all forgiven!

3. Holy Ghost, Thy comforts tender  
To my aching soul address!      
Heal the wounds of this offender   
With th’ anointing of Thy grace;     
Let Thy sighs avail me ever,
And obtain the Father’s favor.

4. Hear me, Father, Son, and Spirit,
Holy Trinity, I pray!
For Thy glory, praise, and merit,
Deign to look in grace today
On this sinner kneeling, broken,
Let Thy kind Amen be spoken.

Translation © 2013 Matthew Carver.

1. Vater, laß dein Herze brechen,
da mein Herz im Leibe bricht;
und vor Angst nmicht mehr kann sprechen,
als was dort der Zöllner spricht:
Sei mir armen Sünder gnädig,
mache mich von Sünden ledig.

2. Jesu, du bist es alleine,
der den Vater beugen kann;
deine Wunden sind auch meine,
ach, so halt mit Beten an,
bis die Worte sich erheben:
Deine Sünden sind vergeben!

3. Heilger Geist, sprich meiner Seele
deine süße Tröstung ein,
lasse doch dein Gnaden-Öle
meinen Wunden heilsam sein;
laß dein Seufzen mich vertreten,
und bei Gott erhörlich beten.

4. Vater, Sohn und Geist, erhöre,
Heilige Dreieinigkeit!
Es ist deines Namens Ehre,
ach, so mache dich bereit,
wenn ich auf die Kniee falle,
daß ein gnädig Amen schalle.

08 March 2013

Seelen-Gast, erscheine

Here is my translation of the hymn “Seelen-Gast, erscheine” (B. Schmolcke, †1737), as given in Burg #1701 uner the rubric The Holy Supper. The appointed tune is “Jesu, meine Freude.”

COME, THOU Guest, from heaven,
Be Thy body given
And Thy blood divine!
Grant me now to ponder
Here Thy works of wonder,
In the bread and wine.
Kiss Thou me, / so kiss I Thee,
Give Thyself, that I receive Thee,
And myself I give Thee.

2. What is here presented
Thwarts all words invented:
Nothing else compares!
Here my Lord is working,
Here in myst’ry lurking,
Making heaven’ly heirs
Here’s the Cup / that, who will sup,
E’en on earth this balm applying,
Shall be made undying.

3. Eat, O heart, this Manna,
Sing aloud Hosanna,
David’s Scion greet.
Here is He that chose me,
In Himself to close me:
Here My Mercy-Seat.
Make me sure, / Thou Body pure,
That our bodies shall not sever,
So appease me ever.

4. Man of Edom glorious!
In Thy blood victorious
Sink this sinful man;
In Thy crimson splendor
Drown this foul offender,
Guilt and blemish ban.
Ah! cross out / all debt and doubt,
Clear my list of condemnation,
Priest of my salvation!

5. Who will dare accuse me?
Foes cannot refuse me
What my Jesus wills.
Wrath and hell defeating,
All the Law completing,
He my hunger stills.
With the Lamb / content I am,
Clinging to His bloody standard,
Much though mocked and slandered.

6. Cup all-efficacious!
Draught of vintage precious!
Come and nourish me.
Claim me as Thy member,
Take my heart a chamber
Decked alone for Thee.
Inward pour, / my life restore,
O’er my limbs the garment spreading
For the joyous Wedding.

7. Now ye senses, savor
God’s abounding favor,
On the table spread;
See the Sin-Atoner
Yield Himself a Donor;
By His men be fed!
Draw ye near / the Altar here.
Jesus cometh— Ah! we greet Thee,
Life of saints who eat Thee!

Translation © 2013 Matthew Carver.

1. Seelen-Gast, erscheine,
komm im Brot und Weine,
gib mir Leib und Blut.
Zeige mir jetzunder,
was für große Wunder
dein Gedächtnis tut.
Küsse mich, / ich küsse dich,
schenk dich mir zum Angedenken.
Ich will mich dir schenken.

2. Hier wird aufgetragen
mehr, als ich kann sagen,
O gewünschte Tracht!
Hier ist eine Speise,
die verborgner Weise
uns recht himmlisch macht.
Hier ist Most, / wer ihn gekost,
kann bereits auf dieser Erden
schon unsterblich werden.

3. Iß, o Herz, dies Manna,
singe Hosianna!
Das ist Davids Sohn.
Der hat mich erwählet,
und sich mir vermählet,
er mein Gnaden-Tron.
Ach, verbleib, / du reiner Leib,
von mir ewig ungeschieden;
so bin ich zufrieden.

4. Edoms Kelter-Treter,
Tauch den Missetäter
in dein rotes Blut.
Lasse meine Flecken
deinen Purpur decken,
und sprich für mich gut.
Ach, durchstreich / die Schuld zugleich
in dem Sünd- und Straf-Register,
du mein Hoherpriester.

5. Wer will mich verdammen?
Tretet her zusammen,
die ihr Feinde heißt.
Da der Zorn gestillet,
das Gesetz erfüllet,
und mich Jesus speist,
Biet ich Trutz ganz guten Muts,
weil ich nunmehr zum Paniere
Blut des Lammes führe.

6. Kräftiges Geschenke,
köstliches Getränke,
komm und labe mich;
zieh in meine Seele,
denn des Herzens Höhle
machet Raum für dich.
Gib mir Kraft / und Lebens-Saft,
zier mich selbsten mit dem Kleide
zu der Hochzeits-Freude.

7. Nun ihr Sinnen schmecket,
weil der Tisch gedecket,
wie Gott freundlich ist!
Sehet, Gottes Diener
reicht euch den Versühner,
den man hier genießt.
Tretet dar, / hier zum Altar,
Jesus kommt. Ach, sei willkommen,
Labsal aller Frommen!

04 March 2013

O Jesu, mein Vergnügen

Here is my translation of the hymn “O Jesu, mein Vergnügen” (Zach. Hermann, †1716), as given in J.F. Burg’s Hymnal (#1694), under the rubric Holy Supper, with the title “After the Holy Supper.” Acording to Kümmerle in the 19th c., the hymn was still in use in Silesia.

The German lyrics especially seem to suggest the Incarnation (“Du bist herabgestiegen,”  — not only of course the incarnation but also in the Supper — “Jesulein,” “Mein Mund an deinem Kleben,” — Kiss the Son, lest He be angry…, but also, partake of the Supper — “Schönstes Menschenkind” — Thou art fairer than the children of men — “Eya, ich habe funden…”,— Eya recolamus, the cradle-songs; as shepherds we have found the newborn King in the manger, i.e., on the altar…”), , and so would suggest this hymn as especially appropriate during Christmas, Epiphany, and the Annunciation. There is also the suggestion of a Purification context here, from the perspective of Simeon: “Nun ist mir nicht mehr bange…”, “Ich halte Jesum feste,” and generally in stanzas 8–11, with the perspective of the saint in heaven, we can imagine Simeon continuing his blessed speech after death. “Wohl dem der Jesum schaut.” As if he were saying, “Blessed are they who see the light of the Lord and Savior as I have seen Him, and looked to and believed in Him.”

The appointed melody is the “proper,” or the usual melody which I provide below from Kümmerle, after the version appearing in Kühnau. A.G. Ritter remarks that it was [originally] to be sung to the tune “O quando te videbo,” which, however, he could never ascertain. The usual melody was known in Silesia at least from 1782, as evidenced by a handwritten chorale-book of that date.

O JESUS, how contented,
How rich Thou makest me!
That Thou hast here consented
To be so lowly-tented
That I might dwell with Thee.

2. Thou Blessing without measure,
Thou bringest naught but good:
Now every goodly pleasure
Is made my endless treasure,
My soul’s availing flood.

3. Though many griefs oppress me
While in this body bent,
The hardships that distress me
Must all be made to bless me
Since God His Son has sent.

4. All doubts about salvation
Are hereby chased away!
I know my future station
Is heaven’s sweet elation
With Jesus as my Stay.

5. O Son of God, I bless Thee
Thou Lifeblood of my heart:
Wherein I’ll keep and dress Thee,
With kiss of faith caress Thee,
And ne’er from Thee depart.

6. O Jesus, Source of gladness,
Thou Child of man most fair,
Thou art my Hope in sadness;
Thou wilt o’er worldly madness
Grant worlds without compare.

7. There with all admiration
Upon Thy face I’ll gaze;
Here faint is my confession,
Yet there with jubilation
Thee, Jesus, I will praise.

8. Lo, here my quest is finished,
I’ve found whom I adore!
Dark hours of woe are banished
And with them all is vanished
That caused me grief before.

9. No sorrow hath my dwelling,
Where Christ my soul adorns,
In gladness beyond telling,
All countries else excelling,—
A rosebed free from thorns.

10. To Jesus clinging ever,
I will not from Him go.
His comforts most I favor,
His treasures all I savor
Who Manna doth bestow.

11. My Jesus cannot grieve me,
Cannot His bride detest,
No might can make Him leave me,
Nor from His love deceive me—
Who looks to Him is blest.

Translation © 2013 Matthew Carver.

1. O Jesu, mein Vergnügen,
wie reich werd ich in dir.
In Himmel mich zu kriegen
bist du herabgestiegen
und holest mich zu dir.

2. Du bist der edle Segen,
du bringest lauter Guts.
Nun werd ich Güter hegen,
nun werd ich Schätze legen
zu meiner Seelen Nutz.

3. Ob mich gleich hier auf Erden
manch herber Jammer drückt,
doch müssen die Beschwerden
gar bald erleichtert werden,
weil mir Gott Jesum schickt.

4. Nun ist mir nicht mehr bange
um meine Seligkeit;
Ich weiß daß ich erlange,
wenn ich mit Jesu prange,
die süße Himmelsfreud.

5. O Jesu, liebstes Leben,
du werter Gottessohn,
mein Herz soll dich umgeben,
mein Mund an deinem kleben,
ich lasse nicht davon.

6. O Jesu, Brunn der Freuden,
du schönstes Menschenkind,
du bist mein Trost im Leiden,
du wirst mich künftig weiden,
wo lauter Rosen sind.

7. Da wird für allen Dingen
dein Antlitz mich erfreun.
Hier muß ich um dich ringen,
dort werd ich fröhlich singen
von dir, o Jesulein.

8. Eya, ich habe funden,
den meine Seele liebt.
Die finstern Jammerstunden
sind weg, es ist verschwunden,
was mich zuvor betrübt.

9. Ich lebe voller Freude
bei meinem Seelenschatz;
ich weiß von keinem Leide,
ich geh in süßer Weide
auf einem Rosenplatz.

10. Ich halte Jesum feste,
ich laß ihn nicht von mir.
Er tröstet mich aufs Beste,
wie seine Himmelsgäste:
er setzt mir Manna für.

11. Mein Jesus muß mir bleiben,
denn ich bin seine Braut;                  [var. “ihm hab ich mich vertraut”]
mich kann von ihm nichts treiben,
nichts kann mein Glück zerreiben:
wohl dem der Jesum schaut.

01 March 2013

Mein Herze, schicke dich

Here is my translation of “Mein Herze, schicke dich” (Zach. Herrmann, †1716), a Communion hymn, as found in Burg’s Hymnal, where it has the title “Ermunterung zum heiligen Abendmahle” [Exhortation to the Holy Supper]. Burg appoints a “proper” melody. In lieu of which, no melody being found so named, and with indebted gratitude to the kindness of Dr. Joseph Herl, I provide some versions of the melody for “Mein Jesu, der du dich” (Anon., Greifswald, 1694), as it appeared originally (with repetitions) in triple meter, and later, with embellishments but without repetitions, in Freylinghausen’s hymnal, and finally, simplified again, in J. B. König’s chorale-book with duple meter (my preferred being this last). These melodies, I think, should be transposed down a step or two for modern usage. Finally, I add another tune, “Du wahres Gottes Lamm,” the merits of which are perhaps restricted to its having the right meter and its bearing a title a little similar to the first line of stanza 4.

MY HEART, cast off thy fears!
For Jesus now appears
With many  ͜a treasure,
Here in this holy place
To feed Thee with His grace
At His good pleasure.

2. His body and His blood,
The soul’s surpassing good,
To thee are given,
That in the strength they give
Thou mightest ever live
With Christ in heaven.

3. Oh, what a precious pledge
For thy great privilege
God doth provide thee!
Here is thy breach made whole,
Here comfort fills thy soul
And theirs beside thee.

4. The priceless Lamb of God
That poured His holy blood
That fatal morrow
Here under bread and wine
Is made our Meal divine
To still our sorrow.

5. O sweet, celestial Cure,
O living Wine and pure,
Repast of spirits:
How eagerly in grief
I taste of Thy relief,
Thy quick’ning merits!

6. O Jesus, Son of God,
Free Off’ring shed abroad,
Fair Seat of mercy:
In Thee the needful thing
I find, release to bring
From sins that curse me.

7. Thou art Salvation whole,
Best Portion for my soul,
Life-giving Supper
To keep me morn and eve
Till lower worlds I leave
And gain the upper.

8. My Jesus, dwell in me,
That I may dwell in Thee
And be united,
And, from sin’s bondage loosed,
Be in Thy body fused
A limb delighted.

9. When stung by sin and qualm,
I pray Thee grant this Balm
Before life’s closure
To flood my heart, that I
May close mine eyes and die
With calm composure.

Translation © 2013 Matthew Carver.

1. Mein Herze, schicke dich,
denn Jesus zeiget sich
mit seinen Schätzen
im schönen Kirchensaal,
mit seinem Abendmahl
dich zu ergötzen.

2. Des Herren Leib und Blut,
der Seelen höchstes Gut
wird dir gegeben,
daß du durch deren Kraft
in Christi Eigenschaft
sollst ewig leben.

3. O, welch ein teures Pfand
Reicht dir des Höchsten Hand
zu deinem Besten!
Hier wird der Seele wohl,
hier hast du Trostes voll
mit andern Gästen.

4. Das werte Gottes-Lamm,
das an dem Kreuzesstamm
sein Blut vergossen,
wird unter Brot und Wein,
zur Stillung unsrer Pein,
von uns genossen.

5. O süße Himmelskost,
O reiner Lebensmost,
O Seelenweide,
wie gerne schmeck ich dich,
O wie erquickst du mich,
in meinem Leide

6. O Jesu, Gottes Sohn,
du schöner Gnadentron,
du Himmelsgabe,
in dir ist mir bereit,
was ich zur Seligkeit
vonnöten habe.

7. Du bist mir lauter Heil,
mein allerliebstes Teil,
die Lebenspeise,
die meine Seel erhält,
wenn ich aus dieser Welt
gen Himmel reise.

8.  Mein Jesu, bleib in mir,
damit auch ich mit dir
vereinigt bleibe,
daß ich von Sünden frei
ein wahres Gliedmaß sei
an deinem Leibe.

9. Laß in Gewissensqual
aus deinem Abendmahl
mir Trost zufließen;
so werd ich, hocherfreut,
bei Endung meiner Zeit
die Augen schließen.