Here is my translation of the psalm paraphrase, “Gott, gieb dem König außerkorn” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), based on Psalm LXXII, Deus judicium tuum regi, with title “Christ’s kingdom of grace . . . Of Solomon” and melody assignment “Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr.” Luther writes of the psalm,
It is a quite glorious and beautiful prophecy of Christ and His kingdom throughout the world, where sin and wicked consciences (as under the Law) are not to blossom and govern, but only righteousness, peace, and joy of conscience, yet without any cross, by which they must let their blood flow, but which is to be counted very precious before Him. And he also proclaims the new divine service (v. 15), namely, calling upon Him and thanking Him. They will pray before Him (he says), and daily worship Him, which is our daily sacrifice among all the nations. Here we hear of no circumcision nor Law of Moses, that the kings and pagans should accept that, but kings and heathen remain, and regard this King as the true, natural God, and so call upon and honor Him. For praying in troubles and thanking for help is divine service and befits God alone, who alone is a Helper in time of need and a Savior, without whom nothing else exists or avails.
GOD, grant to Thine elected king
To keep Thy judgment rightly,
And righteousness in governing
Unto his son born highly,
That He may bring the people grace
And by his perfect righteousness
The lowly soul deliver.
2 On hill and mountain far and wide
Grant peace to be residing,
And let Thy people be supplied
With righteousness abiding,
That in Thy judgment they may stand
And poor men prosper in the land,
And slanderers be broken.
3 As long as sun and moon endure
In every generation
There shall be those whose hearts are pure,
And hope in Thy salvation.
His Word’s great pow’r shall stand in view,
Like as the land is quenched by dew,
And Gideon’s fleece berainèd.
4 The righteous shall in flow’r be found
While yet His kingdom stirreth,
And under Him shall peace abound
As long as moon endureth,
And His dominion shall extent
From sea to sea, to earth’s far end,
And over all creation.
5 The dwellers in the desert dim
Shall bow in fear before Him,
His enemies shall turn to Him
And kneeling low, adore Him;
The kings that dwell beside the sea
And in the isles shall fervently
Come offer Him their riches.
6 The kings of wealthy Araby
And those from Seba hailing
Shall come with gifts of majesty,
Him with their crowns regaling;
All kings before Him down shall fall,
He shall be served by great and small,
Yea, by all earthly nations.
7 The poor and needy He shall spare,
And those by trials saddened
Who seek His help with hearty pray’r,
Shall by His grace be gladdened.
His goodness and His mercy free
Console His people ceaselessly;
The needy souls He helpeth.
8 Although with craft and sly deceit
The world the righteous hateth
And longs believers to defeat,
And their demise awaiteth,
Yet dear and precious to the Lord,
Is all their blood that they have poured;
’Tis in His sight most priceless.
9 The Lord shall live forevermore,
And gifts to Him be given;
The gold of Araby in store
Shall grace the Lord of heaven,
And they shall joy who give Him praise
For all His kind and gracious ways;
He shall be praisèd daily.
10 Upon the earth and mountains high
And in the lowly valley,
The corn shall thicken by and by,
And men behold it gladly,
So doth God’s blessed Word of grace
Bring plenteous fruit in every place,
And like the grass shall flourish.
11 Forever may His name endure
While suns yet shine before Him,
And men be in His arms secure
And children yet adore Him!
Through Him may one and all be blest
And faithful nations never rest
In called Him the blessed!
12 Blest be the Lord, our mighty Tow’r
By all His people holy,
Who shows to Israel His pow’r
And doeth wonders solely!
His glorious name forever be
Praised by the earth devotedly:
Amen, Amen, most truly!
Translation © 2024 Matthew Carver.
Gott, gieb dem König außerkorn
Recht dein Gericht zu halten,
Des Königs Sohn ſo hoch geborn,
Die Grechtigkeit laß walten,
Daß Er das Volck zu Gnaden bring
Und ſeiner Grechtigkeit geling,
Den Elenden zu retten.
2 Auff Hügeln, Bergen weit und breit
Laß deinen Frieden walten,
Daß dein Volck bey Gerechtigkeit
Und bey Recht werd erhalten,
Daß ſie für deim Gericht beſtehn
Und mög den Armen Hülff geſchehn,
Den Leſterer zerſchmeiſſe.
3 So lang der Mond ſcheint und die Sonn,
Werden ſich Leute finden,
Die in der Furcht des HErren ſtehn,
Von Kind zu Kindes Kinden,
Die Krafft ſeins Wortes ſich erzeigt,
Gleichwie vom Taw das Land ward feucht
Und Gedons Fell vom Regen.
4 Das Recht wird ſtehn in voller Blüt,
In unſers Königs Reiche,
Untr ihm wird wachſen groſſer Fried,
So lang der Mond wird leuchten,
Sein Herrſchafft geht von einem Meer
Biß zu dem andern, ſtreckt ſich fern
Biß an aller Welt Ende.
5 Die in der Wüſten wohnen fern,
Werden ſich für ihm neigen,
Die Feinde ſich zu ihm bekehrn,
Und ihm groß Ehr erzeigen,
Die König, wohnend am Meer
Und in den Inſeln, kommen her,
Daß ſie Geſchenke bringen.
6 Die Köng aus Reich Arabia
Und die zu Saba wohnen
Sind mit Geſchenken alle da,
Sie legen ihre Kronen
Zu'n Füſſen dieſes Königs werth,
Mit Anbeten er wird verehrt,
Die Völcker all ihm dienen.
7 Er hilfft dem Armen aus der Noth,
Der zu ihm fleht und ſchreyet,
Der Elend der keinn Helffer hat,
Wird durch ſein Gnad erfrewet,
Sein Güte und Barmhertzigkeit
Waltet ſtets ubr betrübte Leut,
Er hilfft der armen Seelen.
8 Obgleich mit Trug und arger Liſt
Die Welt den Frommen ſtellet
Und ſie verfolgt zu aller Friſt,
Frewt ſich, wenn einer fellet,
Dennoch ſie Gott nicht acht gering,
Ihr Blut für ihm iſt köſtlich Ding,
Gar hoch und werth geſchetzet.
9 Der HERR wird leben immerdar,
Man wird ihm Gſchenke bringen
Von Gold aus Reich Arabia,
Denen ſol wol gelingen,
Die für ihm beten alle Zeit,
Umb ſeine groß Barmherzigkeit
Wird man ihn täglich loben.
10 Auffm Land und auff der großn Höh,
Deßgleichen in den Awen,
Steht das Getreidig dick und ſchön,
Daß man ſein Luſt dran ſchawet,
Alſo das lieb göttliche Wort
Bringt reiche Frucht an allem Ort,
Es iſt ſehr wohl gerathen.
11 Ewiglich bleibt des HErren Nam,
So lang die Sonn wird wären,
Sein Ehr und Macht reichet fortan,
Die Nachkommen ihn ehren,
Durch ihn ſie all geſegnet ſeyn,
Darumb den König in gemein
Die Heyden alle rühmen.
12 Gelobt ſey Gott und hoch gepreiſt,
Der HErr der groſſen Gmeine,
Der Iſrael ſein Macht beweiſt
Und Wunder thut alleine,
Seinn herrlichn Namen loben wol,
All Land ſind ſeiner Ehren voll,
Sprecht fröhlich Amen, Amen.