Here is my translation, adaptation, and correction of a metrical Litany dating from around the 10th century. It may have begun in St. Gall, but spread quickly throughout the bishoprics of Germany before being approved for church use by Pope Nicholas III. The original is a sort of abbreviated (or sevenfold) litany which also included in some places a variable stanza to a certain local patron saint (such as St. Gall). This Litany was associated with the seven penitential psalms, after which it was sung. Since this usually happened on a vigil, and the Vigils of Easter and Pentecost included the blessing of the font, stanzas 6, 7, and 8 are sung on such occasions where baptizands are present. For lack of a German processional at hand, I borrow the melody from a Sarum processional (courtesy of Dr. William Renwick).
Verse:King of all the holy angels,
Grant Thine aid to all the world.
1. Advocate before the Father,
Seed of Virgin Mother born,
Angel-circled Mediator,
Represent us eve and morn!
2. King of th’ apostolic orders,
Set us for Thy kingdom blest!
Monarch of the holy martyrs
Save us by Thy blood exprest!
3. Lord of those who here confess Thee,
Of Thy bride, Thy virgin pure,
Grant us grace on earth to bless Thee,
Be Thou our Deliverer.
4. Here behold Thy congregation,
Who on earth Thy help beseech,
Purge us of all foul transgression,
To us Thine assistance reach!
5. Christ, Thou Shepherd good and gracious,
This Thy people’s pray’rs receive,
Maker Thou of Adam ancient
And His seed by mother Eve.
6. Work within this water-basin
Christ, Thy sacred mystery,
As when at Thy crucifixion
Blood with water flowed from Thee.
7. Send, we pray, Thy Holy Spirit,
Counselor and Helper true,
On these souls, who by Thy merit
In the Font are born anew.
8. Now this heav’nly birth beholding,
Holy mother church, rejoice!
Now her growing brood enfolding
Let her sing with gladsome voice!
9. Be with us, O Spirit holy,
With the Son and Father one,
That we may adore Thee only
While eternal ages run.
Repeat Verse.
Text & Translation Copyright © 2014 Matthew Carver.
V. Rex sanctorum angelorum, totum mundum adjuva.
1. Ora primum tu pro nobis
Virgo mater germinis,
Et ministri patris summi,
Ordines angelici.
2. Supplicate Christo regi
Goetus apostolici,
Supplicetque pcrmagnorum
Sanguis fusus martyrum.
3. Implorate confessores,
Consonaeque virgines,
Quod donetur magnae nobis
Tempus indulgentiae.
4. Omnes sancti atque justi,
Vos precamur cernui,
Ut purgetur crimen omne
Vestro sublevamine. [sub juvamine]
5. Hujus, Christe, rector alme,
Plebis vota suscipe,
Qui plasmasti protoplastum
Et genus gignentium.
6. Fac in terra fontis hujus
Sacratum mysterium,
Qui profluxit cum cruore
Sacro Christi corpore.
7. Mitte sanctum nunc amborum
Spiritum paraclitum
In hanc plebem, quam recentem
Föns baptismi parturit.
8. Ut laetetur mater sancla
Tota nunc ecclesia:
Ex profectu renasccntis
Tantae multiturtinis.
9. Praesta patris atque nati
Compar sancte spiritus,
Ut te solum semper omni
Diligamus tempore.
V. Rex sanctorum angelorum. totum mundum adjuva.