10 October 2011

Laus tibi, Christe, qui es Creator

At last, here is my translation of “Laus tibi, Christe, qui es Creator” (Gottschalk of Limburg, d. 1098.), the Sequence for S. Mary Magdalene. Too late for this year, but plenty early for next. I give it as found in Lossius’ Psalmodia, with minor corrections from Migne, PL 141:1326f. Note that stanzas 6a and 6b have been reversed from the original order. It is unclear whether this occurs in Lossius by accident, though I see no apparent reason to have Mary come first in the contrast. In phrase 6b I have connected peccati nescius with the preceding, not the following, words. In both text and tune I have normalized the meter of some lines which are uneven or have abnormal stress in the Latin.

O CHRIST, WE praise Thee,
Who art the Maker and Redeemer,
And the only Savior

2a. Of earth, heav’n, and ocean,
Angel-choirs and humankind;
2b. Whom alone we worship
And confess both God and Man.

3a. Who, on this earth found incarnate,
Camest to save sinful men.
3b. And, though eternally sinless,
Didst assume the form of sin.

4a. Of Thy flock, as the Canaanite woman,
Thou didst visit Mary—her called Magdalene:
4b. At the table of Thy Divine Scripture,
One by crumbs, one by cup was revitalized.

5a. While all were reclining
Of Simon the Leper’s house,
Thy feast foreshadowing,
5b. The Pharisee murmured
As the woman tearfully
Owned her iniquity.

6a. Her master’s feet adoring, embracing,
She bathed them in tears and dried them,
With her loosened hair, them anointed
With costly ointment,
With kisses circled them.
6b. The sinner his fellow-soul despising,
Of his sin ignorant;
Thou the penitent hearing, absolvest,
Yea, her Thou lovest,
Her thus to beautify.

7a. These fair festivities
Thou foundest pleasing,
O Wisdom of the Trinity,
7b. Born of virginity,
Yet not disdaining
Sinful woman’s piety.

8a. Thou by the Pharisee wast invited,
By Mary’s boundless banquet wast sated,
8b. She loved Thee much, and much was remitted,
Who never after her error repeated.

9a. Thou drov’st from her seven devils,
Working by Thy Spirit sevenfold,
9b. Thou to her first didst reveal Thee
When Thou from the dead wast ris’n again.

10a. By her, O Christ, Thou showest Thy grafted Christendom,
Who, though foreign-born, is summoned
To the table of Thy progeny.
10b. Who, between the feasts of law and mercy interposed,
Scorned by pharasaic judgment,
Must e’er chafe of leprous heresy.

11a. Thou know’st her errors,
Touched by her, erstwhile a sinner,
Now a seeker of Thy mercy.
11b. What would she, ailing,
Have, if she had not received it?
Had not this Physician been there?

12. King of kings, rich unto all men: Oh, save us!
Thou that blottest out all sinners’ trespasses,
Thou hope and glory_of all the saints!

Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.

1. Laus tibi Christe, qui es Creátor
et Redémptor idem et Salvátor.

2a. Caeli, terrae, maris
angelórum et hóminum
2b. –Quem solum Deum
confitémur et hóminem.

3a. Qui peccatóres venísti
ut salvos fáceres,
3b. Sine peccáto peccáti
assúmens fórmulam.

4a. Quorum de grege ut C[h]ananaéam,
Maríam visitásti Magdàlenam.
4b. Éadem ménsa vérbi divíni
íllam mícis [hanc] réfovens póculis.

5a. In domo Simónis
leprósi convíviis
accú(m)bans typicis
5b. Múrmurat Pharisaéus,
úbi plorat fémina
críminis cónscia.

(6a and 6b are reversed)
6a. Pedes ampléctitur Domínicos,
lác(h)rymis lavat, tergit
crínibus, lavándo, tergéndo
unguénto unxit,
ósculis círcuit.
6b. Peccátor contémnit compeccántem:
peccáti néscius
poeniténtem exáudis: emúndas
foedam (ád)amas,
ut pulchram fácias.

7a. Haec sunt convívia
quae tibi placent,
O Patris sapiéntia.
7b. Natus de Vírgine,
qui non dedignátus [ = dedignáris]
tangi à peccatrice.

8a. A Pharisaeo es invitátus:
Maríae férculis saturátus.
8b. Multum dimíttis, multum amánti,
nec crimen póstea repeténti.

9a. Daemóniis eam septem
mundans septifórmi Spirítu.
9b. Ex mórtuis te [re]surgéntem
das cunctis vidére priórem.

10. Hac Christe, prosélytam signas Ecclésiam,
quam ad filiórum mensam
vocas alienígenam.
10b. Quam inter convívia Legis et gratiae
spernit Pharisaeus
fastus quem lepra vexat haeretica.

11a. Qualis sit, tu scis,
tangit te quia pec[c]átrix,
quia veniae optátrix.
11b. Quidnam habéret
aegra, si non accepísset,
si non Médicus adésset.

12. Rex regum dives in omnes nos salva,
peccatórum tergens cuncta crímina,
sanctórum spes et glória.


Walter said...

You have a great translation here Matt; and thanks for going the extra inconvenience by putting the stress-accents on the Latin.

Verse 4.. "one but crumbs" if you add the letter 'T'... if you say it with a Scottish accent you don't need the 'T' (just kidding).

Matt Carver (Matthaeus Glyptes) said...

Thanks Walter! I think I will emend it slightly, because when I added a "t' I couldn't help thinking of what would happen if I added two t's. I'd like to avoid that image. ;)

Matt Carver (Matthaeus Glyptes) said...

I was happy to find today that Valerius Herberger quotes the last line (Rex regum…gloria.) of this sequence in his Magnalia Dei, part 8, Meditation 63 (mihi ed. pag. 636). Also I this may be what is referred to by Ludecus (1598) whenever it calls for "Laus tibi, Christe," although there is another sequence by that name, I believe.

Andrew H said...

Hi Matthew. I'm preparing an edition of a 15th-century Gradual of the York Use which contains this Sequence. Please may I have your permission to use your fine translation? Suitably acknowledged of course.

Matt Carver (Matthaeus Glyptes) said...

Andrew H, your project sounds very good. I would be honored to be included. Thank you for crediting me.

Andrew H said...

Many thanks!