Here is my translation of the hymn “Mit Dank wir sollen loben” (Cornelius Becker, d. 1604), a loose, Christological paraphrase of Domine Dominus noster (Psalm VIII), which Psalm is found in the Introit for the Feast of Holy Trinity. The proper melody is from H. Schütz (1628), while the melody originally appointed is “Von Gott will ich nicht lassen.”
Luther writes of the psalm, “It is a prophecy of Christ, His suffering, resurrection, and kingship over all creation. And this reign shall be established by the mouth of infants (v. 12), that is, without sword and armor, by the Word and faith alone. It pertains to the First Commandment, since God will be our God, and to the Second Petition, as said above in the Second Psalm.”
NOW PRAISE we with thanksgiving
Lord, Thy majestic name;
The Lord of all the living
In all the earth acclaim!
Lord Christ, Thy kingdom fair
Is filled with songs of splendor
That mouths of children render,
That lips of babes declare.
2. Thy Church thereby Thou buildest
Of all Thy Christians blest,
The works of foes Thou stillest,
Securing peace and rest;
And ever by Thy grace
Good teachers dost provide us;
Thy Word’s bright light doth guide us
The way of faith to trace.
3. How great a grace Thou showest,
O faithful Potentate!
What mercy Thou bestowest
To pity man’s estate,
Lord, Thy majestic name;
The Lord of all the living
In all the earth acclaim!
Lord Christ, Thy kingdom fair
Is filled with songs of splendor
That mouths of children render,
That lips of babes declare.
2. Thy Church thereby Thou buildest
Of all Thy Christians blest,
The works of foes Thou stillest,
Securing peace and rest;
And ever by Thy grace
Good teachers dost provide us;
Thy Word’s bright light doth guide us
The way of faith to trace.
3. How great a grace Thou showest,
O faithful Potentate!
What mercy Thou bestowest
To pity man’s estate,
And save them who were lost!
Thy Son to death was given
To gain them life in heaven—
His precious blood it cost.
4. The Son of Man forsaken
By God the Father was
And then to heaven taken,
And glorious rose for us,
Set on the heavn’ly throne,
He is the Lord and Savior,
The King of Glory ever,
All pow’r is His alone.
5. Yea, unto Him are given
All things to rule and keep,
The bird that soars in heaven,
The fish in ocean deep,
Now His majestic name
We worship with thanksgiving;
The Lord of all the living
in all the earth acclaim!
Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.
Thy Son to death was given
To gain them life in heaven—
His precious blood it cost.
4. The Son of Man forsaken
By God the Father was
And then to heaven taken,
And glorious rose for us,
Set on the heavn’ly throne,
He is the Lord and Savior,
The King of Glory ever,
All pow’r is His alone.
5. Yea, unto Him are given
All things to rule and keep,
The bird that soars in heaven,
The fish in ocean deep,
Now His majestic name
We worship with thanksgiving;
The Lord of all the living
in all the earth acclaim!
Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.
1. Mit Dank wir sollen loben
Deins Namens Herrlichkeit,
Dein Herrschaft hoch erhoben,
In allen Landen weit,
In deinem Reich, Herr Christ,
Aus dem Munde der Jungen,
Der Kinder lallend Zungen
Dein Lob bereitet ist.
2. Dadurch baust du die Gmeine
Der lieben Christen dein,
Die rachgierigen Feinde
Mächtiglich treibest ein,
Der Kirchen durch dein Gnad
Sind Lehrer stets bereitet,
Deins Wortes Licht uns leitet
Auf rechtem Glaubenspfad.
3. Wie groß ist deine Gnade,
O du getreuer Herr,
Daß dich der Menschen Schade,
Erbarmet hat so sehr,
Zu helfen ihn’n aus Not,
Dein lieber Sohn mußt sterben,
Das Heil ihn’n zu erwerben,
Kosts ihn sein teures Blut.
4. Ein kleines wurd verlassen
Von Gott des Menschen Sohn,
Darnach gekrönt ohn Maßen
Mit Ehr und Schmuck so schon,
Gesetzt in Gottes Thron,
Wurd er gemacht zum Herren,
Dem Könige der Ehren
Ist alles untertan.
5. Zahm und wild Tier zugleichen,
Auch die Waldvögelein,
Fisch, die im Wasser streichen,
Ihm untergeben sein,
Darum sein Herrlichkeit
Mit Dank wir sollen loben,
Sein Herrschaft hoch erhoben
In allen Landen weit.
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