THE LORD my God, He is my light,
He is my true salvation.
Whom should I fear? His life and might
Are now my own possession.
Though wicked foes with fearsome pow’r
Should seek me wholly to devour,
They all shall fail and stumble.
And though a host were set to fight,
My heart shall never take affright,
Though much they rage and grumble.
2. And though against me war arose,
In God my trust is grounded.
One thing of all I will propose,
And seek with pray’r unbounded:
That in His house I may remain,
To view the beauty of His train,
His temple all excelling.
He gave me shelter, cover, dress,
And in the time of my distress,
He hid me in His dwelling.
3. Upon a rock He lifted me,
My head on high exalted
Above my every enemy,
And I was not assaulted.
Within His dwelling I will raise
A humble sacrifice of praise,
And worship Him with singing.
Lord, hear my voice, to Thee I cry,
Have mercy on me, hear the sigh
That now my heart is bringing.
4. Thy face, Lord, truly will I seek,
Oh, turn it not nor hide it.
Put not away Thy servant weak,
Thou art my help: provide it.
Leave not, nor lift Thy hand from me,
O God of my salvation free!
When I have been forsaken
By father, mother, and all men,
The Lord will yet my soul sustain,
Till to His streets I’m taken.
5. Thy way, Lord, teach me and advise,
Nor grant my foe his pleasure;
False witnesses against me rise,
Deceiving without measure,
The Lord’s own good I yet shall see,
When I inhabit blessedly
The land of life forever.
Wait on the Lord, be of good cheer,
And let thy heart be strong and sure,
Wait on the Lord thy Savior.
Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.
He is my true salvation.
Whom should I fear? His life and might
Are now my own possession.
Though wicked foes with fearsome pow’r
Should seek me wholly to devour,
They all shall fail and stumble.
And though a host were set to fight,
My heart shall never take affright,
Though much they rage and grumble.
2. And though against me war arose,
In God my trust is grounded.
One thing of all I will propose,
And seek with pray’r unbounded:
That in His house I may remain,
To view the beauty of His train,
His temple all excelling.
He gave me shelter, cover, dress,
And in the time of my distress,
He hid me in His dwelling.
3. Upon a rock He lifted me,
My head on high exalted
Above my every enemy,
And I was not assaulted.
Within His dwelling I will raise
A humble sacrifice of praise,
And worship Him with singing.
Lord, hear my voice, to Thee I cry,
Have mercy on me, hear the sigh
That now my heart is bringing.
4. Thy face, Lord, truly will I seek,
Oh, turn it not nor hide it.
Put not away Thy servant weak,
Thou art my help: provide it.
Leave not, nor lift Thy hand from me,
O God of my salvation free!
When I have been forsaken
By father, mother, and all men,
The Lord will yet my soul sustain,
Till to His streets I’m taken.
5. Thy way, Lord, teach me and advise,
Nor grant my foe his pleasure;
False witnesses against me rise,
Deceiving without measure,
The Lord’s own good I yet shall see,
When I inhabit blessedly
The land of life forever.
Wait on the Lord, be of good cheer,
And let thy heart be strong and sure,
Wait on the Lord thy Savior.
Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011.
1. Der Herr ist mein Liecht und mein Heil
von wem sollt ich erschrecken?
Der Herr ist meines Lebenstheil,
das soll männiglich merken,
dann so die böse Feinde mein,
mein Fleisch zu fressen wölln herein,
müssen sie niederfallen,
ob sich wider mich legt ein Heer,
soll sich mein Herz nicht fürchten mehr,
wie sehr und fast sie brüllen.
2. Ob sich Streit erhüb wider mich,
will ich mich auf Gott lassen
eins vom Herren will bitten ich
und fodern ohn Ablassen,
daß ich bleib in deß Herren Haus,
zu schauen sein Lust überaus,
seim Tempel nachzufragen,
denn er hat mich verdeckt, verkleidt,
in seiner Hüttn zur bösen Zeit,
er verbirgt mich aus Gnaden.
3. Und erhöht mich auf ein Fels zmal,
und wird auch nun erheben,
mein Haupt über mein Feinde all,
die um mich sind gelegen,
so will ich in seinr Hütten zwar,
das Lobopfer geben fürwahr,
und dem Herren lobsagen,
Herr hör mein Stimm kläglich ruf ich,
bis mir gnädig und erhör mich,
mein Herz thut dir das klagen.
4. Ich will suchen dein Antlitz Herr,
dasselb von mir nicht wende,
deinen Knecht nicht verstoß so ferr,
du bist mein Hülf behende,
laß mich nicht und thu nicht von mir
die Hand ab, Gott, meins Heils und Zier,
wann mich haben verlassen
Mein Vater und mein Mutter gar,
aber der Herr hat mich fürwahr,
aufgnommen in sein Strassen.
5. Herr zeig mir deine Weg und Bahn,
gib mich nicht meinr Feind willen
Dann es thun wider mich aufstahn,
falsche Zeugen und Brüllen,
ich glaube je, daß ich sehn werd,
das gut des HErrn, das ich begehrt
im Land des Lebens wohnen
Harr des Herren und sei getrost
und laß dein Herz sein stark und fest,
und harr des Herren. Amen.
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