FAIR is the Christian Church’s name,
All men on earth would bear it,—
And for themselves that title claim,
But God will never share it
With Papist or with warlike Turk,
With Russ, or Jew with doctrine dark,—
God’s Church they claim but falsely.
1 (Grundtvig, 1836/1845):
Fair is the Christian Church’s name,
All men on earth would bear it,
Yet our Lord’s people have that claim—
These few His grace inherit.
The precious name of Christendom
Is made by many a whitewashed tomb,
But dead men’s bones concealing.
2. By rights the Church, God’s realm of grace,
Is known as Universal,
Found in each people, time, and place
Though wide be their dispersal;
As long as earth hath stood and stands
Christ gathers sheep within His hands,
Nor is He ever hindered.
3. In all the earth, it is that place,
Which Christ’s own pledges christen,
Where scattered stand God’s chosen race,
And to the Gospel listen,
Where men are called from sin’s dark haze,
And all the devil’s works and ways,
That they might know salvation.
4. Therefore, the Church’s mark is, first,
As Holy Scripture teaches,
God’s Word, which, in its every verse,
Bears witness to Christ Jesus;
Where it is taught in purity,
God’s flock is found assuredly;
Fruit there cannot but flourish.
5. And where Christ’s good baptismal flood
as He ordained is given,
And His true testament of blood
And body for us riven;—
Where both are taken properly,
And found without all heresy,
God’s Church is surely present.
6. In their obedience to God’s Word
We also find God’s people,—
The mighty limbs of Christ on earth,
God’s temple, house, and steeple.
God hears their prayr’s with certainty,
And they return thanks fittingly,
Confess, and serve Him truly.
7. The cross, His heavy coat of arms,
Christ gives His bride, to wear it,
But by a pledge her heart He charms,
That she shall heav’n inherit.
From Satan’s craft, and works of sin,
Th’ offensive world, and flesh within,
He shall be her protection.
8. Still weeds and tares among the grain
Must here on earth be growing;
False Christians, who in shame remain,
To judgment must be going;
The saints of God one Baptism have,
One faith, one hope, one Lord to save;
To heav’n shall they be gathered.
9. O Jesus Christ, all thanks to Thee,
For each assuring token
By which Thy Holy Church we see,
As in Thy Scripture spoken:
Thy doctrine, brought to light again
By Luther, may Thou pure retain
In this our land forever.
Translation © Matthew Carver, 2010.
Den Kristelig Kirkes skønne navn
vil hver på Jorden bære,
Guds Folk sig kalde og gjøre af savn
do de det ej monne være;
Papister og den grumme Tyrk
rydser, jøder met Lærdom mørk
Guds kirke sig falsklig kalde.
1. alt. (Grundtvig)
Den kristne kirkes skønne navn
vil overalt man bære,
men Herrens folk, til evigt gavn,
det vil dog få kun være;
sig kirkens navn med uret gav
og giver mangen kalket grav,
som dødningben kun gemmer.)
2. Den Kristelig Kirke kaldes ret
almindelig, tag det vare;
tid, sted, folk, lærdom ikke forgæt,
disse fire det forklare.
Så længe som Verden stod og står,
Guds Søn sig samler lydige får;
hvo vilde hannem det forhindre.
3. Al verden er forvist denne sted,
som Kristus selv kundgjører
i hvilken Guds folk ere atspred
og it [??] Evangelium høre.
Alle menneske kaldes og her til
fra Djævelens gavn og syndsens spil,
at de kunde salig blive.
4. Den Kristelig Kirkes rette tegn,
som Skriften klarlige lærer,
er først Guds ord, som alle vegn
om Jesu vidnesbyrd bærer.
Hvor som det prædikes uden al tant,
Guds menighed findes der forsandt;
uden frugt kan det ej være.
5. Hvor dåbsens Sacrament så god,
som Kristus monne indskikke,
og hans Testamentes Legem og Blod,
som vi skulle æde og drikke;
hvor disse to, de bruges ret
foruden all kætters fund’ og sæt’,
Guds kirke uden tvivl der kjendes.
6. På lydighed imod Guds ord
kan vi og Guds folk mærke,
som ere Guds tempel her på jord
og Kristi lemmer stærke.
Gud hører visselig deres bøn,
og de give hannem taksigelse skøn,
de hannem ret kjende og tjene.
7. Kårset og modgang er for vist
og Kristi bruds hoffarve;
dog trøster du hende, O Jesu Krist
at hun skal himmerig arve;
mod djævelens list og grumme mord,
mod verdsens børns forargelse stor
og kjødet du hende beskærmer.
8. Ukrud og klinte der findes fast
blandt hveden her på jorden;
mundkristne leve i skam og last,
på dommen de afskild vorde.
Guds helgen de have en kraftig dåb,
en Gud, en Herre, en tro, et håb;
i himmerig skulle de samles.
9. Thi takke vi dig, O Jesu Krist,
at på disse tegn og flere
den hellige Kirke kan forvist
bevises blandt os at være.
Din lærdom, som ved Luther igen
til ljuset kom, lad blive ren
altid i disse lande.
1 comment:
Hooray — Scandinavian hymns. Keep it up! Another several thousand to go, and you will have covered the first three or four Danes...
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