JESUS Christ, of life Creator,
Who hast cleansèd in Thy blood
Adam’s sin, our fallen nature,
And hast Thy salvation good—
Fruit of grief—upon Thy creature
Mary Magdalene bestowed.
2. She, Thy pearl most dearly rated,
Star most graced with clarity,
Now by Thee hath been translated
To Thy palace heavenly,
And a pattern clear created
Of Thy boundless clemency.
3. Therefore, of Thy grace unfeigning
Let Thy favor now be known,
Grant release from sins remaining,
And Thy joys of life, O Son,
With the Father living, reigning,
And the Spirit, ever one. Amen.
Translation © 2015 Matthew Carver.
LATIN [brackets from Blume 1:196]
Jesu Christe, auctor vitae
Qui in tuo sanguine
Peccatum lavisti Adae,
Mariae Magdalenae
tribuisti salutarem
fructum penitentiae.
2. Praetiosam Margaritam
Stellamque clarissimam
Eam locasti in arce
Tu caelestis curiae [Uranice…]
Ut esset evidens tuae
Exemplum clementiae.
3. Tu placatus ergo nobis [Interventu…]
Semper sis propitius [Sis nobis…]
Et nostra dele peccata [Ac…]
Et da vitae gaudia;
Qui regnas cum Deo Patre
Et Spiritu compare. Amen.