19 April 2011

Der am Kreuz

Just discovered this nice English translation (better than mine anyway) of this Lenten hymn in 6 stanzas (J. Mentzer, 1670), appearing in an uncredited Engish translation in "the Gray Hymnal," i.e., The Hymnal for Evangelical Lutheran Missions (CPH, 1905), No. 46, "Jesus Crucified Possesses." Interesting tidbit, this little 90 page hardcover hymnal was 30 cents when it came out, which according to most inflation calculators would mean $7.18 in today's money (not considering inflation of particular materials and services).

The melody is the proper, "Der am Kreuz" better known for its association with the texts "On My Heart Imprint Thine Image" and "Jesus Grant That Balm and Healing."

JESUS crucified possesses
My love's homage evermore.
Sin and Satan, your caresses,
World, thy pleasures I abhor.
Who your godless way pursue
Will in death their folly rue.
Jesus crucified possesses
My love, as my faith confesses.

2. Jesus crucified possesses
My love—doth it anger thee,
Scoffer, what my heart confesses?
Jesus gave Himself for me!
Thus my saving Shield He proves,
Whose example me behooves.
Jesus crucified possesses
My love, as my faith confesses.

3. Jesus crucified possesses
My love—thou art conquered, Sin.
Woe, if aught His Law transgresses
Whose blood did my pardon win!
Would I not His cross disdain,
His atoning blood profane?
Jesus crucified possesses
My love, as my faith confesses.

4. Jesus crucified possesses
My love—Conscience, cease thy sting!
With His pardon God suppresses
His accusing handwriting.
See how dear my Bondsman pays,
How His blood all fear allays!
Jesus crucified possesses
My love, as my faith confesses.

5. Jesus crucified posseses
My love—tyrant, rack and burn!
Hunger, nakedness, distresses,
Naught my love from Him shall turn;
Neither power, gold, or fame,
Neither angels, death, or shame.
Jesus crucified possesses
My love, as my faith confesses.

6. Jesus crucified possesses
My love—come, Death, dearest friend.
When I turn to dust and ashes,
To those mansions I'll ascend
Where my Bridegroom I behold,
Live with Him in bliss untold.
Jesus crucified possesses
My love, as my faith confesses.

Tr. (not given).

1.Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe,
meine Lieb' ist Jesus Christ.
Weg! ihr argen Seelendiebe,
Satan, Welt und Fleischeslist!
eure Lieb' ist nicht von Gott,
eure Lieb' ist gar der Tod.
Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe,
weil ich mich im Glauben übe.

2. Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe;
Frevler! was befremdet dich,
daß ich mich im Glauben übe?
Jesus gab sich selbst für mich,
so ward er mein Friedeschild,
aber auch mein Lebensbild:
Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe,
weil ich mich im Glauben übe.

3. Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe!
Sünde, du verlierst den Sturm!
Weh mir, wenn ich den betrübe,
der statt meiner ward ein Wurm!
Kreuzigt' ich nicht Gottes Sohn?
Trät ich nicht sein Blut mit Hohn?
Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe,
weil ich mich im Glauben übe.

4. Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe;
Schweig, Gewissen! niemand mahnt:
Gott preist seine Liebestriebe
wenn mir von der Handschrift ahnt.
Schau, wie mein Halsbürge zahlt!
Gottes Blut hat sie durchwalt:
Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe,
weil ich mich im Glauben übe.

5. Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe;
drum, Tyrann, nun solche stoß!
Hunger, Blöße, Zenkershiebe,
nichts mach mich von Jesus los;
nicht Gewalt, nicht Gold, nicht Ruhm,
Engel nicht, kein Fürstenthum.
Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe,
weil ich mich im Glauben übe.

6. Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe.
Komm, Tod, komm, mein bester Freund!
Wenn ich wie ein Staub zerstiebe,
wird' mein Jesus mir vereint!
Da, da schau' ich, Gottes Lamm,
meiner Seele Bräutigam!
Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe,
weil ich mich im Glauben übe.

17 April 2011

Hilf Gott, wie geht das immer zu (repost)

Here is a slightly revised repost, partly because Psalm 2 is good and there's no good paraphrases in common use right now, and because v. 7 (stanza 5) is pertinent, the "day" of this begetting being traditionally interpreted as the Resurrection of Our Lord, the day when the eternally and only begotten Son of the Father, Jesus Christ, rose again and became "the first begotten from the dead."

Hilf Gott, wie geht das immer zu

Here is my translation of the hymn “Hilf Gott, wie geht das immer zu” (A. Knöpken, 1528), a paraphrase of Quare Fremuerent (psalm ii). Ludecus appoints it for Trinity X, as well as for the feasts of apostles and of St. Lawrence. The Wedderburns’ old Scots translation may be found here. The tune may be “Ach, Gott vom Himmel, sieh darein,” or this proper tune: GOD SAVE us! Why must all the horde Of heathens rage and thunder, And king and prince with one accord Conspire to press Thee under? Thy hand they fight, and Thee offend, Despising Christ, whom Thou didst send To bring the world salvation. 2. No penalty they think to pay As their own fancies lead them; Thy counsels wise they cast away And never wish to heed them. Their foolish heart they follow e’er, Each wandering he knows not where, Refusing all correction. 3. But Thou, O God, in heaven high, Shalt have them in derision, And laugh at all their counsels sly, Deriding each decision. Thou shalt address them furiously, And punish all their errancy, And frighten them with fury. 4. The Lord hath set as sov’reign king The Christ, whom ye rejected, On Zion’s holy hill, to bring True justice to th’ elected, And in His church to spread abroad The will and pleasure of our God, And teach us His commandments. 5. He said to Him, Thou art My Son: All those, whose firm foundation Is in Thy name, and trust alone Through Thee to have salvation,— This day I’ve made by Thee reborn, And raised in Thee from death forlorn, To be Mine heirs and children. 6. The heathen for Thine heritage I will to Thee be granting, Indwell them with Thy Word, their rage And fleshly lust supplanting, A new-made people shalt Thou claim, Enabled to adore My name, From earth’s remotest bound’ries.
7. Therefore, ye kings, be wise and hear, Do not resist this teaching: Attend this King and so revere, His holy Word and preaching, That ye the fear of God may learn, Your hearts to trust in Him discern,— Thus is God rightly worshipped. 8. Leave not the way with eager will, Cause not the Lord to scold you And keep your eyes upon Him still, And live as He hath told you. For when His wrath is kindled hot, Those souls are blest and perish not Whose trust in Him is grounded. Translation © Matthew Carver, 2009. GERMAN
1. Hilf Gott, wie geht das immer zu, daß alles Volk so grünet, Fürsten und König allgemein mit eins seind sie gesinnet: Wider zustreben deiner Hand, und Christo, den du hast gesandt, der ganzen Welt zu helfen. 2. Sie wollen ganz sein ungestraft [Sie wollen ungestraffet sein] und leben nach ihrm Sinne, und werfen von sich deinen Rath und was du lehrest drinne. Sie gehn nach ihres Herzens Wahn ein jedermann auf seiner Bahn und lassen ihn nicht wehren. 3. Du aber in dem Himmel hoch würst sie, o Gott verlachen, [o Gott, wirst sie belachen] verspotten ihren besten Rath und ihrn Anschlag verachten. Du würst mit Zorn sie sprechen an, [Du wirst] und strafen was sie han gethan, mit Grimm würstu sie schrecken. [wirst du] 4. Der HErr hat zum König gesetzt Christum, den ihr verkleinet, Auf Zion seinen heilgen Berg, das ist über sein Gmeine, daß er soll kund thun überall, des Vaters Sinn und Wohlgefall, und lehren sein Gesetze. 5. Er sprach zu ihm, Du bist mein Sohn, heut hab ich dich gezählet. Und von dem Tod erwecket schon, und in dir auserwählet. Für Erben und für Kinder mein, die Glauben an den Namen dein, daß sie all durch dich leben. 6. Die Heiden will ich schenken dir, mein Kind, zu einem Erbe, daß du mit deinem Wort in ihn’n des Fleisches Lust verderbest. Ein neu Volk sollt du richten an, das meinen Namen preisen kann, an allem Ort auf Erden. 7. Darum ihr König merket nun, ihr sollt euch lassen lehren, und diesem König hören zu sein Wort halten in Ehren: daß ihr Gott lernen fürchten wohl und wie ein Herz ihm trauen soll, das heißt recht Gott wohl dienen. 8. Nehmt auf die Strasse williglich, daß nicht erzürn der HErre; halt ihn für Augen stetiglich, und lebt nach seiner Lehre. Wenn sein Zorn als ein Feur aufgeht, wohl ist dem der für ihm besteht, das sind die auf ihn trauen.

13 April 2011

Through Deserts Dry the Wicked Go

Here is my own hymn paraphrase of Psalm 1, Beatus vir, inspired by a sermon by Rev. Young. I welcome suggestions. The proper melody is by Ken Howes, 2011. (listen to midi)

THROUGH Deserts dry the wicked go
Some pool of comfort seeking,
Their fallen minds no comfort know,
No truth is in their speaking,
They wander blind in sin and scorn
And mock the mighty God,
Nor fear His fiery rod,
But, rootless mid the sand and thorn,
With tempting voices cry,
That we with them should thirst and die.

2. But in God’s teachings we delight,—
His Word and revelation,
Its pages pond’ring day and night
For there we find salvation.
There by the Law our pride is killed,
And we confess defeat,
And hear the Gospel sweet:
The Law for us Christ has fulfilled;
Now by the Spirit led,
We safely follow, free from dread.

3. How blessèd in God’s Word are we,
As trees by living waters!
We hear God’s counsel full and free,
His baptized sons and daughters;
And as we hear His pledges sure
The Spirit strengthens faith
To cling to Jesus’ death,
Where, planted on His body pure
And by His rivers red,
To heaven’s heights are souls are fed.

4. Our Lord alone this blessing gives
Who only brings salvation,
Who suffered, died, and rose, and lives
For us, his own creation.
For us, the wicked chaff, He went
With faith and will devout
Sin, death, and hell to rout,
He by our rightful judgment rent
Atoned for all our sin
For us the peace of heav’n to win.

5. Thus in His death our life we find
Once withered, now we flourish,
Baptized into His death, our mind
And soul His Scriptures nourish,
As through their words the Spirit works
Through Law and Gospel both,
To love His precious oath,
And though in life the old man lurks,
Still we good fruit shall bear,
Which God for us did first prepare.

6. Our fruit is faith in Jesus Christ,
The Tree of perfect merit.
In thanks for Whose redemption prized,
We hail our cross and bear it.
Well-watered by His flesh and blood,
Our roots of faith receive,
Strength daily to believe;
With mercies like the richest sod
He spreads His nursery,
The Church, and tends it blessedly.

7. Oh, help us, Christ, Thy Word to heed,
And hold it sacred ever,
From whom the Scriptures all proceed
Their Author and our Savior!
Sustain us in Thy Word, we pray,
And let Thy kingdom come
To us, Thy Christendom,
And let Thy will be done alway,
So shall we evermore
As fruitful trees Thy name adore.

© Matthew Carver, 2011.